
Has anyone ever had to prove paternity before the birth of their child? What happened???

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Actually there are two methods that can be performed before the baby is born. One is Chorionic Villi Sampling and the other is Amniocentesis. I know they are both very risky but was wondering if anyone ever went through with it.




  1. They can take a DNA test before the baby is born, but it is invasive and there is risk to the baby.  It is best to wait til after the birth.

  2. You should definately wait until AFTER the birth of the baby. It's very risky to do a paternity test because it can hurt your baby. "The main issues with paternity testing before birth lie in the medical realm. Because both procedures for collecting DNA are invasive to both the mother and the child, there is a question of safety involved. When a trained physician is performing the procedures, there is little risk to the pregnancy, but there is risk nonetheless. Bleeding, cramping, and injury to the child can occur if the procedure is not done correctly or if the mother was not properly evaluated prior to the procedure."

  3. Thats not possible, they need the baby for the test. If the baby is not born yet then hovv do they knovv if the DNA matches the father?!

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