
Has anyone ever heard of Mar Audio (Speakers) GERMANY?

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We received for our wedding 2 lg speakers model no (T8120)

centre and rear speakers (CR8130) for our surround sound. My brother bought them on ebay for $1850, i have never heard or this company before and when i Google can not find any info on them. I carn't beleive he would spend that type of money on a brand no one has ever heard of.




  1. Interesting that a search on the net turns up nothing about Mar Audio. Yet, I found an ad for these speakers on eBay:

    I agree with the previous poster that these are probably "white van" speakers. I also agree that your brother must be nuts to pay that kind of money on something he never heard of.

    But, here's a thought ... maybe he *did* buy them out of a white van for a couple hundred bucks and looked them up on the internet. Then, when he saw an ad for them at that price, he just said he got them on eBay to impress you.

    Someone wrote a question a while back about Kirsch speakers. They said they had the opportunity to get some cheap and wondered if anyone knew about them.

    I looked up Kirsch speakers and they had a web site. You couldn't order anything, but they had retail prices listed (thousands of dollars a pair).

    That's how the "white van" scam works. Someone comes up to you in the street in a white van, saying they have some speakers from a high-end audio system they just installed. These usually have some brand name that sounds similar to a well-known brand (Kirsch looks and sounds an awful lot like Klipsch, one of the best brands on the market). And, there was some kind of mix-up. So, they have these extra speakers that someone already paid for that they want to unload to some lucky person (you) for a fraction of the original cost.

    If you seem kinda interested, but reluctant, they tell you to look the speakers up on the internet. They give you a card with their cell phone number on it. And, they give you the URL to a dummy site that tells you that these speakers normally cost thousands of dollars. You then get all excited and call them back up to make the deal. But, when you get them home, they either completely suck or don't work at all. And, of course, you can't get ahold of anyone to try to get your money back.

    If your Mar Audio speakers work for you, great. But, since there's nothing (and I mean absolutely nothing) on the internet about that company, I don't believe they're for real.

  2. There are some quality companies overseas (e.g. Dantax from Denmark) that are not known in the US, but more often than not, there are white van speaker companies (e.g. Audio Response) that try to peddle their c**p and label it "high-end" with a huge sticker price to attempt to make a killing off of the unknowing.

    Most importantly, how do they sound and look?  If they sound good, nothing else really matters, right?  If they sound bad, then you know your brother got swindled.

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