
Has anyone ever heard of The Disclosure Project?

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And, if you have, have you actively been promoting the project?

If not, would you please check it out?

Thanks for your thoughtful answers.

- The Eternal Satyr




  1. I am sure somebody has but that somebody is not me.  

  2. I wish I could have been at the press conference selling tinfoil hats.



  4. Hey did you post a video on youtube? I think I saw you when I was looking through the videos?

    But no I have not heard of the disclosure project, is it related to foreclosure?

    Why that link was very interesting! thanks for it.

  5. Yes I have - a while ago now.

    There is something else going on. This is only part of it. There seems to be a lot of movements behind the scenes and this is something that may keep our eyes off the main concerns.

    Things such as - the seed banks. Genetic manipulation of food sources, global banning of useful food suplements, Global hunger, Economic collapse, Water restriction (no longer a human right), Erosion of rights, Preparing for RFID implantation - lack of trust/ loss in identity documents - perceived terrorism - need for tagging/ ID. Increase in RF masts. Common Purpose training , Martial law is easy to bring in - you just have to panic the people - and disclosure may be the trigger.  Remember - it's the US developing these craft - but they only have to act like it's hostile.

    - Keep your eye on the ball over the next few years  - and be prepared!

  6. The aim of the disclosure project is to somehow place enough political pressure on the world's governments for them to release all information they might have on paranormal events, in particular UFO's. However, the biggest criticism that I've heard is that while they make some excellent points, they don't seem to have solid evidence of a conspiracy (in spite of good indications of a cover-up).

    Mira Furlan did some video with them. Anyone who watched Babylon 5 should recognize her as Delenn from that show.

    Lots of what they want to accomplish assumes things that aren't clearly delineated in logic.

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