
Has anyone ever heard of TradeVantage?

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It is run by Don Hayes in Tampa, Florida. The direct mail says he turned $500.00 into $1,694.000.00 in three years trading stocks.




  1. Looks like a financial advisory service / firm. There's not much on the TradeVantage website and the background info is sparse as well. Best to stick with Etrade and the likes if you're into trading stocks. At least you're dealing with an established company that's been around a while.

  2. Cool.  That would be over 1600% per year compounded for three years.  And he wants to sell you the secret!  Aren't you special.

    Tampa is more famous as a have for 18th century pirates than as a financial center.  Somehow this seems appropriate.

    Sarcasm aside, I looked at his web site.  there is no information there.  Not even the usual disclaimers.  I would have to send in my credit card information before I found out anything about how this is supposed to make money.  I can't even see the disclaimers, which is usually how these guys stay around: it says in the disclaimers that this doesn't really work.  Look in the direct mail piece for words like "hypothetical".  It looks like a scam to me.

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