
Has anyone ever heard of a "bingo" cat?

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My sis in law is thinking of buying/adopting one, and I told her to walk away. Supposedly it's a striped cat with big ears and big paws and really short hair, 6 to 8 weeks old, and supposedly its fixed and declawed. I told her it all sounded like a load of BS. Anybody ever hear of anything like this?




  1. sounds like a elephant not a cat..never heard of one,and been keeping cats for 20 yrs,

  2. The only thing I can think of that sounds close is a bengal cat and that doesn't really fit what you are describing.   Like chetco what you are describing sounds like one of the rex breeds none of which sound anything like bingo.    Regardless no reputable breeder would declaw (many actually require new owners to sign a contract that they will not declaw)  so if she wants a purebred cat she needs to look else where

  3. Maybe its a Bengal cat? They are large eared, and short haired>

    The only cat I can think of that matches the description, is a *Devon Rex*:

    Maybe someone crossed to produce their own designer breed, and gave it a silly name,

    You are likely correct..that it is just BS

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