
Has anyone ever heard of a study that explores the topic of trolls-for-hire?

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Sometimes when I read posts on comment boards and look at the user's profile (unless it's been blocked), I see that they seem to be spending a lot of time arguing a particular viewpoint. Often trashing a particular consumer product or political candidate. There must be a way to distinguish between people who are passionate about a cause and those who are getting paid to sit at a computer, asking and answering questions in blogs that are discussing specific issues. Are PR firms actually offering this as a service to their clients?




  1. It's called the Wizard of OZ

  2. The name of the company that hires, and even has an office at Yahoo central in Rendon.

    You may look up the company on line....

    I have worked for rendon in another capacity. I stopped working with them when I learned what they were up to.

    It is actually a form of treason.

  3. I block trolls, sorry to say, there's already too much noise, I want to hear from both sides...but your point is well taken and I do block those who do what you describe.

  4. I think you are overestimating the power of Y! and other such groups.

    If they do this.(Trolling for $$) then it is wasted money as most people don't get their political opinions from this format..and if they do

    then it does not matter what direction this country goes as it is lost


  5. PR firms have offered trolling as an option for decades.  Like, since the Sears Roebuck catalog was created (well, maybe a little later than that, but still).  My point is, of course some of the product answers come from people paid to answer those types of questions.  As for the elections answers, some may be PR firms, but a good many are probably grassroots people who are just really dedicated to their point of view.  Remember, the 3 things never to talk about in polite society (because people get too heated about it) - religion, politics, and death.

  6. That's a really interesting question! But I do have my doubts about it and here's why: Say you were working for Candidate A's campaign and wanted someone to argue for your particular candidate on internet forums. If you hired someone to do that, it's less likely that the argument will be more thought out. Like, the only reasonable way to pay for that would be to pay per post, in which case, the troll would get paid more for having shorter, less intelligible, and possibly more inflammatory posts than a few well worded and thought out posts that actually might change someone's mind.

    There are, however, a ton of stupid people with a lot of free time.

  7. Which "trolls-4-hire" firm do you work for?

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