
Has anyone ever heard of being born with a "veil" over the face?

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No, not just the ordinary things that come with a newborn. I am talking about something to do with the paranormal. I have a cousin who was said to be born this way. Supposedly he can see spirits. His mom says she could physically see the veil when he was born, but she never told him about until he started "see-ing". Ever heard of this before?




  1. Yes this happens on the female side of our family. We can see, feel, and talk to the other side. We even can sense things about people like when something is going to happen.....And oh! yes people usually think that we are crazy.

  2. i heard the story's about these but i guess dream and the fear of the unknown gives such kind of imagination & illution and make some people to talk about it

    when there is no light it in a room it dosn't mean there are no things in the room it means you can't see a thing.

  3. Yes I've heard of it, it's just remnants of the amniotic sac. There are many myths surrounding this throughout history, though really it's just something that happens in gestation and childbirth and doesn't have any special meaning, complications or symptoms. Here are some links on it.

  4. Hello

    My ex hubby' dad. They still have the 'veil'.

    I can't say that it gave him any special abilities - he was a good man, but not a good husband, & nothing special in a psychic capasity.  


  5. It is traditionally believed that any child being born with a veil over their face, was considered to be psychic or have psychic abilities.As the child grows their skill an abilities can  be quiet scary for both parent and child.But learning with your child an their abilities is very important.Sylvia Brown,has wonderful books out on how she had her grandmothers help to guide her.She also has great book called The other Side an Back.I recommend it totally !Have your friend educate themselves...this is " a rare  " an special gift!An their child  has been touch by a higher power of love an goodness,intelligence an faith......teach the children well for they are our future!congratulation on your son birth,an learn an teach each other about trust too!Its gonna be a great journey,an don't be afraid........Blessed be.......................!

  6. yes I have heard of the veil.  And those who were born are seers.

  7. Yeah, I think my father said he was born with this although like Haunting You said it's just a part of the afterbirth.

    He was told it means that he would never drown at sea - which is probably dead right since he gets sea sick very easily and never goes boating.

    Needless to say he is not psychic or possessed of any other magical powers.

  8. yea my ex-boyfriend was born with a veil over his face. He doesn't see spirits but he can sense certain things sometimes.

  9. Yes. Its said that people born with a veil can see spirits.

  10. The term Veil is used to describe that function of the brain that hides ghosts, spirits, past lives etc. To be born with the veil thin is to Say a person can see and experience things the average person cannot.

    I think this is more spirtual than paranormal.


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