
Has anyone ever heard of or know the location and name of the "never ending tunnel to h**l."?

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my friend told me of a never ending tunnel that the further you go into it you begin to smell sulfur, rotten eggs as if entering h**l.




  1. This sounds a version of the russian well to h**l story.

    In 1984 the Russians dug a deep well, 12 kilometers deep. This was exciting for geologists who would get to see insight into some of the deeper earth sciences.

    Circulating around the internet people started saying that they had dug a hole so deep that they could hear screaming people and temperatures were in the thousands of degrees.

    This was all just false rumours. The temperature at the bottom of the well was higher, but was 120 degrees. There was no screaming or thousands of degrees. This stuff was all made up.

    h**l is not a location that you can get to on earth. I know the popular belief is that h**l is in the center of the earth, however, this would mean spirits must have a physical mass to exist there. Heaven would also have to have a physical location hear on earth then. My point is, that, if h**l has a physical 3D location on earth, then it would be in violation of known laws of physics and religion.

  2. hey, have i got a deal for you, i got this big bridge see, and today only i am willing to sell it to you dirt cheap..................

  3. If it's never-ending, then it can't go to h**l.

  4. Never

  5. Yeah I'm going with the first dude's answer.

  6. probably in your friend thoughts h**l has a particular smell ,

  7. What you have described sounds suspiciously like a cave you might find around an active volcano. Sorry I can't be much more help. Good luck though.

  8. Well check your friend into the special olympics, for if he's not mentally incompetent, then he makes fool out of you for believing in a fool's errand... A FOOL'S ERRAND!!

    Nothing is worse!!!!!!

    No, it is not true, or else it would be on the following tv-channels.

    1) The news

    2) National Geographic

    3) The discovery Channel

    4) PBS Nova

    5) Scientific America

    6) Modern Marvels

    7) Mythbusters

    8) Mandingo's date with Spring summers

    9) well maybe not the last one.

  9. volcano humm ring any bells?

  10. Silly

  11. You are talking about the recording that Art Bell has. It is suppossed to be a recording from h**l, so you need to think about it before you listen to it since you cannot un hear things heard.

  12. Be VERY CAREFUL when looking under your bed that  you don't fall in!!

  13. The former host of Coast to Coast A.M. radio program - Art Bell, would play  these sounds and interviews. The two links below tell more...

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