
Has anyone ever heard of "phantom feminists?"?

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I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't as I coined the phrase a couple weeks ago. "Phantom feminists" are the feminists that do all of the "bad things" found in feminism like spread false and inflated DV/rape stats to the public... and ramble on about "the patriarchy" (the sexist notion where male power is demonized) ...and lobby the government for "special perks and bonuses" for women only, etc.

...Because any time you try to hold feminism accountable for any of that, suddenly feminists scatter into their supposed splinter groups and no one is accountable.

As soon as accolades can be handed out for something good that feminism has done... the feminists come out from hiding and accept them under the unified body of "feminism."

So I know there must be "phantom feminists" that carry out all of the bad activities unbeknownst to all of the "good feminists."

That's the only way this seemingly hypocritical and dishonest mode of operations could possibly operate.




  1. This sounds like a CIA mode of operation.

    I never hear of it, but it wouldn't surprise me as its an efficient method of stirring the public opinion. The CIA uses it all the time (by creating phantom groups).

  2. to answer your question, no i havent heard of tehm,

    but what im interested in, is if the first answerer is referring to the CIA, as in the government agency, or, the C(i)A, from that feminist movie, where they go around doing illegal acts in the name of feminism?   (its suuch a cool movie btw)

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