
Has anyone ever heard of the mother eating during labor causing the baby to have meconium in his lungs?

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Someone was telling me today that their doctor told them that if they ate during labor it would cause the baby to have meconium in the amnonic fluid. I have never heard of such a thing. Has anyone else ever been told this?




  1. I dont think thats true.

    I think doctors dont want you to eat during labor for a few reasons....Labor can make you nauseated, you might get sick on what you eat. Also, if there is an emergency, you need a CSection, they dont like you to have eaten within 12 hours of a surgery.

    A lot of midwives believe eating the right things during labor actually helps you have the energy to complete the task of labor and delivery.  

  2. No, that is BS.  A baby has a bowl movement in utero either due to stress or being past your due date, then there is a possibility of the baby inhailing it upon delivery.  Eating has nothing to do with it.  From my understanding they don't want you to eat because they don't want you to get naucious or have to go to the bathroom during delivery.  

  3. No, I have never heard that. The only reason they tell you not to eat is if you have pain meds....they don't want you to get sick. But in all reality, if you are not having pain meds, food is good to keep your energy up.

    That reason doesn't seem right at all...

  4. No that is not true my doctor told me that I'm not allowed to eat while I'm in labor because the don't want me vomiting... people get very nausea's when they are in labor especially if they have and epidural also you are not allowed to eat while in labor because if for some reason they have to do an emergency c-section you have to have an empty stomach...

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