
Has anyone ever heard of volcanoes becoming more active after a mass disaster w/ many deaths.?

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The Bible says that h**l enlarges itself. Many claim h**l is the center of the earth. If volcanoes do increase after natural disasters that kill 50,000 people, there may be some credibility to this. Thanks




  1. No.

    I try to keep Greek Mythology out of my Christianity, unfortunately some of the founders of Christianity didn't.

    What if Blasphemy is a Victim-less Crime?

  2. No, but sometimes increased volcanic activity *causes* disasters.

    Maybe they're cleaning up to get ready :P

  3. I think that you had better go back and read the Bible. If you hold to the existence of h**l then wouldn't you then believe that sinners are consumed in the fires of h**l. If sinners are consumed in the fires then why would h**l need to expand as you suggest?

    Volcanic activity has been on the increase over the last 100 years but it bears no relation to other natural disasters nor to deaths occurring from such events.

    Many myths are attributed to the Bible by those who do not read it.

  4. i've never heard this....sounds some what credible, but i'm not sure...

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