
Has anyone ever heard the quote that "when opportunity knocks, open the door?"?

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I just read a headline on the official Yahoo News that as heating oil nears $5 a gallon, homeowners seeking alternatives. Well, this is opportunity knocking for me, since I have been biding my time for several months waiting for the right set of circumstances to come along so I could introduce a new source of inexpensive electricity, and it sounds like the time has finally arrived.

Has anyone ever heard this quote or saying before? And what does it mean to you?




  1. To me, it means that planning, recognition, and courage can pay off when you take appropriate action (i.e., faith without works is dead).

    [Very rarely does opportunity kick down your door and grab you by the collar and say "Come on!!"..Opportunity is shy and will present herself; and then it's up to you to make the next move...or she'll move on]

  2. We usually just hear the first part.  It's one of those quotes where we assume everybody knows the rest (though few do) like, "h**l hath no fury..." (nor the heavens a storm, as a woman, who has been scorned.)

    "When opportunity knocks..." usually is a caution to not regret taking a chance.  If you see an opportunity to do something, but pass it up due to caution, then you may regret it forever, and you may resent the people that caused you to err on the side of caution.

  3. Hmm.. I think you should just do it cause opportunity is rare, and the saying just means that when you have an opportunity comes, just grab it or it would be too late, I guess.

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