
Has anyone ever heard your great grandmother flatulate?

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I'm just wondering because tonight I am staying at my great grandma's house (because it's my turn as she just had hip replacement surgery) and in the next room I just heard this thunderous expulsion of gas. If it had been a belch it would have ruptured her esophagus! =(!!

Now I know why I'm crazy! =( My whole family is doo-dah nuts! Can't a grown woman of 91 control her nasty @ss gas!? Gawd. I shall never look upon her the same again.

Am I wrong? I can't believe this ridiculous family I have! It's like the Royal Tenenbaums! Nothing royal, just crazy!


Thank you for listening.




  1. HAHAH! I love your choice of words.

  2. My grandma does the same thing, Last Thanksgiving (No Joke) she did it by the stove (Gas Stove) & a flame shot out.  We all laughed, It can be so funny, But for christmas the family chipped in for a Electric stove for her.

  3. Oh Honey, you haven't seen anything about a great, great grandmother doing the same thing...accidentally, of course...and her two grown sons pick their noses...and REALLY try to do it EVEN MORE when their 'family pictures' are being taken...WOW...  They might be kidding because their whole family is usually in gales of laughter most of the time...  Question is:  Would it be wise to marry into this family...hahaha


  5. awww.. well every one farts... and when your that old, it gets worse. My mom has told me terrible stories about the elderly (she works at a retirement home). Such as old guys balls sag so far down that when they are using the toilet, it touches the water :S.... ITS GOING TO HAPPEN TO US

    PS i loved the royal tenenbams, Suicidal Luke Wilson is a hott luke wilson.

    and don't even get me started about my family.. a bet you 1000 bucks that there is more crazy stuff going on here

  6. really farts can be really disgusting...but as a question this is hilarious....

  7. Probably your great-grandmother is hard of hearing and thought she was emitting silent farts.  As Joan Rivers said, "Silent farts are God's way of saying 'Have a good time.'"  

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