
Has anyone ever insulted your dog to your face?

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Hi i have a cavalier king charles , he is 12 pounds , he is the smaller type , i love him lots i got very annoyed yesterday when one of my neighbours said i would be embarrassed to take him out for a walk because he is small and then she saw i was carrying his poo in a bag because there were no bins about so she says have you not got any pride carrying that about i would never degrade myself picking up my 2 rotties poo , i am calmer now but she really made me angry.xx




  1. Ignore the rude b she's is obviously a big dog person and is a bully just like the breed she owns can be.  That just tells you that she has a sense of entitlement that she shouldn't have.

  2. People have made a few remarks, but not to the extent of your neighbor's comments.    She sounds like a first-class jerk--there's no need to even reply to someone like that.  Just shake your head and laugh at her.

  3. And isn't that when you just want to tell your neighbor to go f herself....

    I get comments here and there.  Some of my husband's friends come over and feel it necessary to critique my dogs.  A little irritating, but not worth me getting riled up over.  I did have one person spew some garbage about "vicious pits" to me in regards to my mix....who is neither vicious or a pit.

    So your neighbor walks her dog and leaves their messes all over the place?  Wish she lived here.  We have the "p**p fairy" commercials warning us to pick up after the dogs...and if the cops see you not cleaning up, they fine you.

  4. well i hate little dogs myself but I wouldnt say it to the person, JUST AFTER =)

  5. Your neighbor is an uneducated idiot. When you see her not picking up her dog's poo in public call your city.  

  6. Don't mind her pretend you heard nothing and so what if the dog is small and you are big so it doesn't matter it is the love that matters most not the size. And what if you carry the poo around it shows that you care for the dog and takes care of the enviroment.

  7. that bitc.h  is crazy.tell her ina told her that.

    im proud u are scoopin ur dog poo.i do it also,and i know many mean people letting their dog s**+.tting on my yard. i dont like them.

    and that breed is super cut.fuc.k her

  8. my dad never let us have dogs and im allergic:[

  9. I would have politly ask her "so are you telling me you are breaking the law by not cleaning up after your dogs"   Getting called out for their own stupidity (admitting a crime in this case) tends to shut these people up

  10. that breed is awesome. Don;t let her bother you. she obliviouslyhas way too much "pride" but not enough decency to clean up her dog's mess... if she gives you a hard time again tell her that she has no respect for the neighborhood by leaving her dog's S**t all over the place and that what ever breed of dog you have is none of her business. If you wanted her opinion you would have asked for it. Isn't there a fine for leaving your dog's dropping on the sidewalk an not picking it up? In my neighborhood it's 50 bucks eevery-timeyou get caught not cleaning it up.

  11. !?

  12. Hopefully she steps in her two rotti's giant poo with her very expensive and s****. shoes, since she obviously doesn't pick it up!  good for you for being a good pet owner and cleaning up your dogs p**p, you're setting a good example for everyone else.

  13. omg actually yes i was extremely mad  because they said omg shes as ugly as my grandfathers but which was tmi and mean because i know my sadie baby is pretty because shes a jack russell and is  really  cute and has a high pitched bark which is so cuye! Isn't the law to pick up afyer your dog???  

  14. smack her, rude cow

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