
Has anyone ever killed themselves cause of seroxat?

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i read that when pple stop taking this it can make them really sick. how sick? i stopped this and will never take this stuff ever again i dont care how bad it gets.

do you know about these pills




  1. Seroxat (Paroxetine) was cited as causing people to kill them selves. This was never proven as per se and the media, as usual, misrepresented findings to suit thier sensationalistic headlines. What was said was that thiose being treated with seroxat became increasingly suicidal at points during treatment. If you are clincially or very depressed and feeling suicidal, then it is unlikely that you will do so at this stage as you lack basic motivation to do anything. Therefore as your condiiton improves there is a chance that your motivation increases faster than your mood. At this point in time you are more likely to attempt suicide as your motivation to do so is higher, and your mood and semse of self is still low. Seroxat stimulates the brain in a way that stimulates neural pathways and helps the brain produce chemicals that increase the mood and motivation. Obviously with those with depression suicide is often high on the agenda and if motivation increases you could say the rsik of suicied does also. There is no write or wrong answer.

    As with coming off medications, you will withdraw from them. Ideally you should do thei slowly under the supervisioon and guidance of a professional.

  2. As with any anti-anxiety or depression medication if you decide to stop taking you should consult your doctor before you decide to do this on you own.  No medication for the problems above should be suddenly stopped.  There are many withdrawl symptoms that can be severe for anyone who decides to suddenly stop.  If it hasn't been too late resume your medication until you can agree to a plan with your doctor to ween you off.

  3. Someone very close to me attempted suicide whilst on Seroxat several years ago. At the time it was heralded as a 'wonder cure' for depression but I saw him lapse further and further into a dark - well, I can't describe it here.

    It's still being prescribed on the NHS? FFS! You need to speak to your GP about this asap.

    I also agree with the other answerers, any withdrawl needs to be supervised.

  4. yes i killed myself cause of seroxat.

    if someone did they wouldn't exactly be here would they.

    tbh i don't even know what you mean.

  5. ***This is a very SERIOUS matter and I hope that anyone who reads or responds to this subject will understand the this is not something to joke about. ****

    My sister was on anti-depressant as a teen and she attempted suicide. We later found out that it was caused by the medication. I strongly suggest that you speak to your doctor about your concerns before you completely stop taking the meds. Please know that it doesn’t have the same affect on every single person. That was my sisters experience and I hope that you find something that works for you.

    Much love,


  6. yes, people who have killed themselves because of seroxat would answer this question?

    you need to rephrase it or something!

    haha x

  7. I don't know when you stopped, but you really shouldn't stop suddenly. If it's not too late, then go back on and reduce the dose slowly - about two months should be about right, but obviously you should talk it through with your doctor, as I'm giving a personal opinion here. You won't have many withdrawal problems then.

    Please take care of yourself - stopping suddenly is a very bad idea, no matter how much you want to stop taking them - I don't argue that - just do it slowly and carefully.

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