My Ex boyfriend of 5yrs and I just broke up 2 months ago. We have a baby together. I act like everything is ok,but on the inside,i;m falling apart.I told him that the rule is that he can't see anyone or sleep with anyone,if he wants to live here.But, since i'm still in love with him. I;m always worring that he is seeing or talking to someone else. I always feel like"well he doesn"t want me ,so **** him"...but then i just feel so sad. I was going to marry this guy and even though we have had so many issues...I can't see myself with out him...As time goes on i feel more and more alone and with out him. Even though he's in the next room. He has cheated on me in the past. So everything is a mess,but the other thing is that his child is his life. I don't want to just take him away from his child, you know. So i was just wondering if anyone has ever gone through this or anything like it? And if so...what did you do or what would you do?