
Has anyone ever made lip gloss this way?

by  |  earlier

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Melt petroleum jelly/vaseline and add drops of peppermint oil. Then pour it into containers, let cool, and seal.

I mean, can you melt vaseline and then it'll cool and be back to the same base?

Also, what would the shelf life of this be??




  1. i have made it with shortening:

    melt shortening in the microwave until liquid, then mix it with some koolaid and put it in the freezer.  

  2. ..yeah i tried the petroleum jelly part..microwave it to melt...yep it will be the same base or form...

  3. No .....! lol

  4. The only shelf life this stuff should have is: in your refrigerator!  I took my prettinesses with me in the car and was just too melty.  I used shortening and refrigerated the goods.  To color your lip gloss, you can use a little bit of a favorite or old lipstick, too.  Petroleum jelly may have different results, but even with the addition of peppermint, won't it taste nasty?

  5. wow making lip gloss at home-thats a new one!im afraid im too lazy to do creative things like that, il just stick to boots!

    you should ask a beautician about shelf life

  6. haha no

  7. Yup! That's how you do it!

    If you want to make lip gloss more tasty

    or in a different way, you should go to

    this site:

    They have recipes everyday for lip gloss, lip balm,

    facial masks, etc.

    (I'm speaking in 3rd person ;)

    Hope I helped!!!


  8. Nooooo

  9. What a good Q!  I am interested in the answers.

  10. well ya my sister tried once.

  11. think so. Try it

    and whats the shelf life of the vaseline, the peppermint oil and the vitamin E capsule? it'll be which ever is the earliest.;...

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