
Has anyone ever made you feel like you were more than just different, but downright abnormal? If so, why?

by Guest61570  |  earlier

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It's amazing how quickly people can de-evolve, when faced with someone who's different from themselves. :-\




  1. in psychology/philosophy classes, people are such silent sheep,and I am outspoken/blunt. some of the religious folks take offense at my comments ,or when I defend g**s, or whatever they disapprove of.

    what sickens me is how ignorant people feel free to talk trash in class, but then everyone who disagrees is afraid to speak up against mainstream ideas. you would not believe how many times a day  I hear- "thanks for saying that or thanks for defending this idea" I really wanted to say that, but was afraid to.

    it is a free country and people should be fearless free thinkers. as far as alternate lifestyles,if I want tog to a swing club or nude neach I am not going to advertise it to everyone I know. I keep my alternative choices to myself or practice them with other likeminded folks

  2. I've had people pull that sort of c**p on me since my childhood.

    Because I prefered to stay home and read rather than hang out on a street corner someplace and go partying I was accused of "acting white"  or of being "uptight" or ~get this~ a "redneck!"

    Because I preferred Rock music over R&B, I got made fun of, too.  Because I wanted to be an actor or a singer rather than work in a factory or as a secretary or even a maid, I was told by my mother and others in my neighborhood that I was a weirdo or that I wasn't being "realistic."  

    As adult, when I was in an interracial marriage, I caught a lot of flack! We had people tell us we were "sinning", that we were "disgusting" and some people pretended to be our friends but they were overly curious about our s*x lives and would actually ask some very invasive and nosy questions...and if we objected, then we were told we were "too sensitive" or if someone hassled us, we'd get "well, what did you expect?"!  There were some who questioned our ability to be good parents...and one women went so far as to tell me in front of my then-2 y/o daughter and other at the day care that my kid would get older and consider me an "embarrassment" because she was lighter skinned than me and would eventually try to pass for white and never speak to me (thank God that didn't happen...we're quite close, so I'm happy for that!)...and of course, you know the divorce was MY fault...solely for being black and not sticking to my "own kind"! Crazy, no?

    Now...I'm catching flack from some for being nearly 50 and still trying to make it as a musician, and for being overweight. I have people who are still constantly trying to "fix" me because for some reason they think I don't have it together because I'm not a homeowner, I don't own a car, I have an office "day job" rather than one with a fancy-schmancy title.... and because I'm still not married even after nearly 20 years of being divorced...and they refuse to believe my 7 year relationship with my boyfriend is legitimate simply because we met on the internet! In that case, I got accused of being "desperate!"   I have a neighbor who when she gets drunk likes to run down a list of all my supposed "flaws"... especially if I refuse to drink with her!  I've learned to not answer the door when she comes around.

    Unfortunately, some people do that stuff like that because it deflects from their own issues in their life, and they feel the need to cut someone else down in order to feel better about themelves. Pathetic, really.

  3. My twin sister. She used to tell me I was a freak and no one would ever like me. She would always belittle me in front of our friends.  

  4. I've had similar experiences, and I know I'd have even more if I told my family about my lifestyle. Most of my close friends now are people who are also in D/s relationships, because I feel I can be myself around them. I've had so-called friends tell me I'm being abused or that I need to see a therapist, often without even meeting my partner. A few weeks ago, someone here on Y!A called me "sub-human" just for saying I like to be submissive.

    I don't shout about my lifestyle, but I won't hide it if I'm asked. The people who matter will accept me the way I am. :)

  5. Im celibate..I have been for the last 15 yrs. I have had s*x offers...but that is all. When i tell men ( mostly men) about it..they want to " cure" me..

    Its like there is nothing wrong with me. I just am not the type nor never will be the type to have s*x casually. But i only seem to come across the type of man who only wants s*x casually.

    I get ridiculed alot for being celibate. I also get ridiculed for when i was raped as a kid...that is also part of why i am celibate..but not the biggest part...i get told to get over it..

    thats not all that easy ya know.

  6. I delivered something once to a guy that had fist-sized holes punched in his apartment walls at 6 inch intervals.

    He insisted that he knew me.

    I assured him that he did not.

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