
Has anyone ever met their spirit guide? (read)?

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Have you communicated with your guide or seen her or him, and have you ask your guide his or her name.

I've been wondering if anyone else have spoken to their guide and have you heard your guide speak back outloud.

My spirit guide allow me to put my hands on her face, because I wanted to know what she looked like. I can't see details on her face, but I could feel all her features, so I basically knew what she looks like...and then she gave me some memory what she looked like. And she does appear to look like the features I felt that night. Her features felt real, skin, bones.

I was wondering if anyone else ever was allow to feel a spirit like this. Usually she holds my hand, hugs, and rubs my back...always compassionate and comforting like an angel.

She came to me on and off a lot for over three years, but no communication now for three or four months. Although, I do sense a spirit near, thinking it's her checking in.

What are your thoughts and experiences????




  1. I've seen other people's spirit guides, does that count?

    Once when my dad was very, very sick, close to death, I was praying for him very hard. Whenever I prayed for him, I visualized him in hospital and there was an Irish priest sitting with him. The priest looked up at me, gave me a cheeky grin and the "thumbs up" signal, so I knew he would be alright. When my dad was feeling a bit better, I told him about my prayer, and he got very excited - apparently he already knew the priest from his past, someone that meant a lot to him after many years.

    Another time when my boyfriend was sick, I was patting his head and wishing for him to get better. I saw (in my imagination) a vast being, hard to describe, but like a lightning bolt in vaguely human form. It shot a beam of white light into my boyfriend - as soon as I saw it (in my mind), he gave a sudden jolt and said, "Did you make something happen?". The next day he was better.

    Another time I was praying for a friend who was very sick. I wished to see her spirit guide and communicate with it, but all I could see was a white mist. It felt like a bad omen, and the next day I was told she had died in the night.

  2. I can talk to my spirit guide, Maria.  I also have 5 others (Bohanine, Kevin, Lyza, Ami, and Reina) and 3 angels (Lizette *blue orb*, Sinari*rainbow orb*, i havent met the third angel yet*yellow orb*).  I've never seen their face, though. I should try it.  Maria gives me advice and answers on anything (except homework and tests).  She's my best friend and helps me when i get scared.

  3. Not yet. I am in training to communicate with my spirit guide in my religion meetings.

    I dreamed of a tall man with a beard twice and in the dreams, I knew he was an angel. He didn't talk to me, because the most enlightened spirits don't talk to us. I think he is my protector.

    Other than that, I dream with spirits a lot, they give me messages and comfort me. I hear messages in my mind when I am awake too. Brief messages that come when I am praying and usually they are answers to my questions.


  4. Don't know if this qualifies in answer to the 'spirit guide' part, but, once in deep meditation this huge angelic being stood behind me and yet I could see the being and it communicated with me that it was there and would protect me and then these beyond huge wings spread and wrapped around me enclosing me in a secret place.   Saw this angelic being again and had a pad and paper and drew it.  Hugely tall, taller than a giant sequoia (redwood), and so incredible.

    Have never 'seen' nor heard from it since  (my sensing was that it was neither a he nor a she), but have the awareness of the nearness and the constancy of this incredible angel always now in the back of my awareness.  Thanks for giving me a chance to share this, even if it doesn't qualify as a 'spirit guide' in the sense you are talking about.

    I have a small bit of Native American Indian blood in me (one-eighth, my mom was one quarter, but looked entirely Native American) and have had horse, eagle, otter and most recently a bobcat show up, who came and sat in the middle of the path and just looked at me for the longest time. Don't know what bobcat indicates, have to look into that.

    And to top all this off, I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, which really baffles my Christian friends, who think I'm a little bent.

    Ahhhh, but that's ok.  Jesus is my spirit guide, that one I can affirm, He walks with me, He talks with me.

    Thanks for the Q :)

  5. Hello

    We all have many guides, & we, ourselves are also spirit.

    What a wonderful relationship that your building with one of yours - keep going.


  6. Over the years I've met about 5 of my guides. I have quite a few "helpers" but not all are technically my guides. I have 3 angels--a master guide, a protector, and a healer, I have a Native American Shaman and an oritental man I haven't officially met. I haven't seen them, though, except in my mind, but they do touch me, I've held their hands, though I've never felt real skin, just their energy, and I can hear them (inside and outside of my head). I feel and always have felt a very strong bond with my master guide and I was told the Nativer American was my father in a previous life. Have known about my master guide for 5 years now, and I talk to them all the time, so much sometimes I wonder if I bore them! lol They've been a blessing to me, as they've helped me get through some rough times. Them and the rest of the spirit helpers I have here.

  7. I have met my totem animal (the Bear of course). I met my totem animal after going on a vision quest.

  8. Now that I think about it I don't think my guide ever moves his lips!  I do hear the voice loud and clear at times when not meditating.

  9. hmm.. i was just thinking of this myself when i  read your question. i am not sure. i have never met any of mine before or even heard them however i do have a very strong intuition so i am wondering if that has anything to do with it.  but recently, i was dozing off to sleep when suddenly i was being told a strory. i couldnt hear anything but it just came to me... like intuition.  the story was about the beggining of our journey as a group of souls that have come to earth to spiritually evolve.  in the story, god was explaining to all the souls what they will have to accomplish on earth. then i was told that the middle of the story is what i happening to us now.. living our lives as these characters. and the end of the story was a soul walking thru the mist after he had died AGAIN and suddenly seeing god face thru the mist. god then reched out his hands and gave the soul a hug with his fatherly smile. the soul then knew he had grasped what he was supposed to on earth... he was  another step closer..

    that was it ... it was like a 2 minute story going on in my head... i had never seen or heard anything like that before.. i told my experience to one of my most personal friend and she said it could have been my first lesson with my spirit guide.

  10. Yes I have communicated with my spirit guide.  Mine is a very large gryphon from a clan of them.  I met him many many years ago.  It was in a dream.  I know what your thinking of right off the bat that it was just a dream, but I know how I dream and this one was way more different than anything else I had ever experienced.  We were talking together and everything.  Also he allowed me to ride on him.  His clan stayed mostly as far as I could tell are in trees like the red woods, but these by size made the red woods look like saplings.  I nearly still remember everything about that.  The only thing I don't remember is the conversation.

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