
Has anyone ever noticed - in the uk anyway - you rarely see obituaries in newspapers for chinese people?

by  |  earlier

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makes you wonder if that really is chicken...




  1. No I have never noticed

  2. That's because they never freaken die! They just turn into a prune and shrival up and vanish.

  3. Chickens take it on the chin

  4. They put their obituaries in their OWN language NEWSPAPERS!

  5. Heres my answer YOU HAVE TOO MUCH TIME ON YOUR HANDS!!!!!! Get a life, well at least dont be observing eberyone elses any way

  6. Didn't you know? They don't die. That's why China has the highest population.

  7. Maybe they don't die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. not the chicken.  i think it has more to do with the fish diet, and the 40 packs of cigarettes a day.

  9. yeh

  10. you dont c any other foreigners either-------- i hear donna keebabs put them on skewers

  11. funny! Here in Italy is the same! Here we have a question.. ' where do they go when they die?', there are no burial grounds for them!

  12. ( I will just get my two points and get out of here )-- No I have not noticed that...    should I  ????

  13. lol  no aint really thought about it before !

    but i was going to have a take away tonight changed me mind now !

  14. ewwww...maybe they have Anglicized their names...or maybe they have a different tradition, or their own newspapers...never thought about it...I wonder if that's true in the U.S?

  15. Yea  I wonder why

  16. They give the green card to somebody alive, you'll never know the difference

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