
Has anyone ever opened a NEW LOOK account card thingy?

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I got roped into opening it! And now i'm wondering whether it was worth it. Let me know your views. Thank you




  1. My daughter did, although she paid it off every month. the problem came when she closed the account. She hadn't read the small print, and had been conned into taking out some card protection service. This wasn't cancelled when the card was, so she was paying for it, even though she had no cards at the time. It was very difficult to get that cancelled, and the service wasn't cheap.

  2. I haven't only I know someone who did and they seemed to be paying forever, I have a credit card and I pay it off when it's due, they won't get any interest from me.

  3. I did and the interest on them is ENORMOUS! My advice would be to pay it off and throw it in the bin.  If you don't have the money for something then wait until you do. x

  4. I have a few store cards and use them wisely. If I see things I want/need I use my card and pay it off a.s.a.p.  -no interest that way -don't go silly and you'll be o.k.

  5. Yes i did a few years ago, and it took forever to pay to it off, their interest is to high i think,. If i were you, pay it off as quick as you can and don't other with one again.  I regretted it..

  6. all credit is bad, you end up paying a lot more for goods.

    and because you pay later it means you go without next month.

  7. So long as you pay your balance off every month you shouldn't run into problems. Their interest is one of the lowest on the high street, 25.9% or something. Just be careful!

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