
Has anyone ever or heard of a seen a royal lush being dealt as the communtiy cards? ie flop turn river?

by  |  earlier

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i play poker quitea bit, and i know its a long odds kinda thing. but tere mut have been once occason in the history of poker where this has appeared, there must have. lol




  1. I have seen several Royal flushes in online poker, and even have gotten one once. I had an Ace of spades with a K Hearts on the button, and the flop came ,  Q J 10, all spades. No one bet, and I slow played the str8.  The turn came K Spades, and that was a pretty flop!. No one bet, and I decided to let it go to showdown to see if anyone would bet at all. The river was a red rag, and no one bet again, I just laid out the Royal to claim a small pot, lol. That made 4 of the 5 needed for a royal as community cards, and that is the most I have ever seen. I have seen the community cards get 4 Jacks once.

    Good luck!

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