
Has anyone ever photographed the actual surface of Venus?

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I took a picture of Venus with a camera adaptor on the end of my telescope but only could see a brilliant white disc,but never the surface.




  1. Sorry.  Last time I was there, I forgot to bring my camera.

  2. yup you can't see the surface because of all the sulfur clouds and such. there have been some probes sent to venus which took some pictures, but they don't last long because it's a very very harsh place. temps i think go up to 300-400c or some such.

    there are some pictures of the surface, try searching on google you should find some.

  3. Yes there's photos of it from space probes, but I dont know if thats what you meant. But Ive seen photos of the "pancake domes" on its surface. Interesting stuff.

  4. yes  Venera 9 from Russia has.

  5. Not personally, I don't think anyone has been there yet.

  6. ???

    venus has lots of clouds and you cannot see its surface. this has been known for centuries. it sounds like your technique is incorrect anyway, since you don't take pictures of planets that way.

    robots have taken pictures from the surface, and probes with radar have made maps.

  7. Yes.  The trick is to take pictures of the dark side using an infrared camera.  I've heard the best results were by some guy with a telescope and a cheap web cam.  

  8. ok this is no joke

    My mum is called venus!


  9. nope its way to bright  


    This was taken by a man with just his digital camera through his telescope. It's too bright to see the actual surface of Venus from a far distance. But the Russian Venera 9 took some pictures.

  11. Not as far as I know,but several Soviet probes back in the 1970/80s took a few photos of the Venusian surface just before they were melted away.

  12. Venus is covered with clouds. There has been a probe that landed on Venus and photographed the surface and another that used radio to 'look' through the clouds to map the surface. But no visible light gets through the clouds.

  13. Yes, several US and Russian probes have used infra-red and microwave technology to digitally map its surface.

  14. On October 20, 1975, the lander spacecraft was separated from the orbiter, and landing was made with the Sun near zenith at 05:13 UTC on October 22. Venera 9 landed within a 150 km radius of 31.01° N 291.64° E, near Beta Regio, on a steep (20°) slope covered with boulders (suspected to be the slope of the tectonic rift valley, Aikhulu Chasma). The entry sphere weighed 1,560 kg (3,440 lb) and the surface payload 660 kg (1,455 lb).[1]

    It was the first spacecraft to return an image from the surface of another planet. The Soviet space program had far more success with Venus landers than Mars landers, possibly because the mechanics of landing on Venus involve fewer steps than Mars due to the much thicker atmosphere.

    A system of circulating fluid was used to distribute the heat load. This system, plus pre-cooling prior to entry, permitted operation of the spacecraft for 53 minutes after landing. During descent, heat dissipation and deceleration were accomplished sequentially by protective hemispheric shells, three parachutes, a disc-shaped drag brake, and a compressible, metal, doughnut-shaped landing cushion. The landing was about 2,200 km from the Venera 10 landing site.

    Venera 9 measured clouds that were 30–40 km thick with bases at 30–35 km altitude. It also measured atmospheric chemicals including hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, bromine, and iodine. Other measurements included surface pressure of about 90 atmospheres (9 MPa), temperature of 485 °C, and surface light levels comparable to those at Earth mid-latitudes on a cloudy summer day. Venera 9 was the first probe to send back black and white television pictures from the Venusian surface showing shadows, no apparent dust in the air, and a variety of 30 to 40 cm rocks which were not eroded. Planned 360-degree panoramic pictures could not be taken because one of two camera lens covers failed to come off, limiting pictures to 180 degrees. This failure recurred with Venera 10

  15. venus has a dense atmosphere,  that is basically sulfuric acid

    I believe NASA photographed the surface using X-rays  or another wave length

    Above is a page from  NASA

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