
Has anyone ever questioned their position in life between good and evil?

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You would say "Oh that'll never happen" Or "I'll never be like that"

Have any of you ever doubted you'll be who you expected yourself to be in the future?




  1. I question myself quite often about where I lie between good and evil. I believe that everybody has the capacity to do either good or evil deeds but they have a natural tendancy towards one or the other. I dont know what my disposition is but I fear I may be an evil person masqerading as a good person. I often doubt if I will be what I expect in the furture due to the fact that I am unsure as to my very nature

  2. that's what I spend a lot of my making hours doing

  3. Of course! No matter what you think, evil can provide happiness (think money).  However, if there is an after life the good side would be happier for the longer amount of time. But if there isnt an after life, then you better live this life very well. The one question no one will have a for sure answer to tell they die

  4. Yes but simple application, dun have to use a lot of times cos rather spending more time how to make big money! Show me the money! heheh

    The rules are simple to use :

    Good pple, then applies good.

    Evil pple, then applies the law of evil.

    As Simple As ABC! Heeah!

    Funny, what's there to Q about bad and good in life? lol...

  5. No, everyone 'finds' her/himself closer to good than the rest of the world!

    Who does not want to be projected as a good boy/girl in the world as well as in one's own eyes?

  6. I think at every moment one questions his deeds as good or bad.Life is just a projected form of the present.Sometimes circumstances forces you to do things you never imagined you'd ever do and life changes completely from what you had projected yourself to be in the future.Best wishes,

  7. i've done some things i never thought i'd do. some good, some bad. my character and morals are still pretty much intact. can be a jerk sometimes but not a total jerk.

  8. simple question but hard to answer.....Actually no one knows what will they be in the future and they will not even know if they are doing bad or good deeds....One thing is for sure,all things are already destined..It only waits us to reveal it.

  9. you are always in the middle no matter what you do!

  10. yeah when i was a kid i wanted to be good, now that im older i have seen so much bad that it is not normal to be good. I just try to keep the vibes going and hope that it is good.

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