
Has anyone ever raised $ with Team in Training?

by Guest55831  |  earlier

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This is my second event. For my first I had to raise $2500, but I ended up having to pitch in $700 (I don't mind, it's for a good cause). I really can't afford to do that again though, so what fundraising ideas worked for you?




  1. I haven't raised money with TNT but know people that did. Some things that were successful were holding garage sales (mentioning that the garage sale would benefit TNT). People would even give donations at the sale and didn't buy merchandise. Someone else sold jewelry she made, someone else sold baked goods. I heard about someone else who brought in donuts to work and asked for a dollar donation for TNT --- not much but it got people talking about how to donate and how to help. You have to be careful, a lot of companies have policies against fundraising check on that before you do anything.

    You can also sell items on ebay and say they are benefiting your TNT funds. Ask friends if they would send a fundraising letter out to THEIR friends asking for money (I'm sure you have written something asking your friends to support you -- so maybe your friends would send the letter with a personal note to their friends you don't know.....)

    Another thing I know some have found is successful is holding a little contest. Offer a prize for the person who best guesses your finish time. Have it be something cool like sports tickets or a Best Buy gift certificate, something that a lot of people would want. Some people may be spurred on to make a donation -- thinking they can guess your finish time, and everyone loves a chance to win.

    Good luck! Keep running, keep raising money! Go TNT! :)

  2. it  sounds stupid to me. i hear about it on the radio all the time

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