
Has anyone ever read twilight? now do u want a sweet boyfriend like edward, but feel like you will never ?

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find one? it makes me sooo sad! :( what do u guys think?




  1. Edward molested Bella lol

    He's like Hugh Heffner

  2. Yeah I read the books but I never could want a boyfriend like Edward. NEVER. He's fake, perfect and have no personality. I want a real boy, with flaws and all, I wanna fight with him sometime, I mean in real life not all is honey and sugar and not all the girls are weak like cristal, and yeah I wanna hug him, kiss him and even making out with him like a real couple. No offense but Edward is a creepy stalker...

  3. Yes I read twilight and I want a sweet boyfriend like him.

    yes I feel like I will never find him because my ex is a total idiot, because he never called and when he actually did he never said anything.

    I also think that there will never be a boy like edward is because men aren't really gentlemen anymore, they don't hold doors or just don't really care about their girlfriend. It makes me sad too.

  4. u i want a creepy stalker breathing down my neck all the time?, bt ill pass!!

  5. Yeah, Edwards don't exist.  But I wouldn't want one anyway because I strongly believe that we fall in love with people's flaws, not their strengths, and Edward is "perfect."  He is also kind of emotionally and psychologically abusive, as well as physically on occasion, and I'm not sure I'd want that... he's pushy, stalkerish and overbearing too... all in all I don't want an Edward per se, but I would like someone sweet and caring like he sometimes is.  Unfortunately, they don't exactly exist.

  6. it is sad, but i think i will find a guy very much like him...i know people have answered here and they, it made me depressed in the beginning but now i see i will find a guy just like him...and i'm sure you will too...there are guys out there like that, we've just got to keep our eyes open for them. good luck <33

  7. I don't want a boyfriend who controls everything I do and removes vital parts of my vehicle to prevent me from contacting my best friend, if that's what you mean.  

  8. When you find the right guy to you he will be every little bit of perfection. I'm pretty sure that I've found my edward. I have found nothing wrong with him =D

  9. I have read Twilight.  I do not want a boyfriend like Edward.  He is very possessive.  My boyfriend is not too possessive.  I would hate to be watched over 24/7, it would creep me out.  You'll find someone better than Edward.

  10. there is no such thing as an edward.  after reading this book i definitley raised my standards but believe me when you find the right guy you will feel the way bella does about edward.

  11. nah...after a bit of thought, Edward is a bit of a perv, watching girls sleep and stuff.

    But at least he has interests, unlike Bella.

    Yes, I've gone to the dark side.

    I wish I'd been on Team Jacob now.

  12. Edward is great but hes not real so I'll do with what I have and I bet theres a guy thats even better than Edward somewhere! Even if we have to search the universe :D! lol!

  13. It's pathetic that you feel that way, considering he's abusive.

    I personally like my men alive, thanks.

  14. I have.  BUt not guy is perfect even Edward he was very protective and a tad jeaous.

  15. Umm I do NOT want a boyfriend like Edward. Who the h**l would want an abusive boyfriend who doesn't want you to see your best friend?

    Who basically stalks you?

    Who watches you eat and sleep?

    What is wrong with you teenage girls?

    You guys need backbone! If you are EVER in a relationship like Bella's and Edward's you need to get out of it right away. It's toxic.

  16. *sighs* I am exactly in the same boat.

  17. OMG! I feel completely the same way! But, you have to realize that Edward is fake. He is made up and you have to stop fanitizing about a dream. Sorry. I really wish it weren't that way... but it is. :(

  18. i have one he is even better than edward because

    1. he isnt dead

    2. he isnt fictional

    and 3. he is so much sweeter than edward

  19. Personally i think Edward has some qualities i would want in boyfriend, like the fact he is so kind and sensitive and other qualities i wouldn't want in a boyfriend like the fact he is so controlling and over protective.

    I think my boyfriend is amzing and i am so happy with him i don't think i would ever want anyone else. He is sweeter than Edward and i love the fact i can cuddle him and he doesn't feel like a rock.

  20. You can't compare guys to Edward. Edward was a make-believe character. He was obessive with her & too protective. Edward was great in a lot of ways, but then again.. he was not that great. Don't compare real humans to Edward.

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