
Has anyone ever recieved that 500 $ macys gift card?

by  |  earlier

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I get all these emails about getting a free gift card, and they require you to fill out some stuff, and I heard through a friends that you really do get the card, but it all seems a bit fishy to me . have you done this? Did you get your card?




  1. That is just another way for scammers to get personal information from you.  I hope you never ever give personal information through an email .  Any spammer could send emails out saying he/she really got one and ask for personal info so you can get one too. Somebody along the way would actually believe it.  More than likely your friends have just heard rumors of somebody really getting the card.

    If Macy's was giving out free gift cards, they would send it to your home address in one of their own business envelopes.

  2. normally with these ads you have to input your address & phone number before you can start the process, so there the company already has your info they can sell to other businesses, then once you get to the application you basically have to subscribe to magazines for a fee, or something where they are wanting your money. i've never heard of anyone getting the card myself. i think it's just a big con.

  3. I have gotten this offer several times and deleted it because I figured you would have to do them paticipation requirements.Never tried it

  4. it's horse shite. i end up writing them back a million times, asking them how they like being bothered.

  5. If it sounds to good to be true, it is.

  6. no

  7. By filling out the questionaire required to recieve the gift card; you open your e-mail up to more SPAM and junk mail.

    Here is a suggestion call Macys at this number 1-800-BUY-MACY. Ask about their online gift card questionaire filled out over the phone or by mail. Also request to recieve notices by postal carrier. Once you recieve the card, call or visit the post office and request all junk mail be held unless you would like the offers.

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