
Has anyone ever registered for their honeymoon?

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I have heard that many engaged couples now who have lived together for a while and don't need a ton of stuff for their home set up a wedding registry for their honeymoon. Has anyone done this or would suggest it?




  1. As Drake's Mommy said, it's impolite to ask for money, even if it's for your honeymoon.  That said, if you just don't register anywhere, most people will get the hint and give you cash (or not give you presents at all... but that's the risk you take0.  Second, on our wedding regsitry, we've registered for things we need for our honeymoon (like luggage, passport holders, etc.) There's nothing wrong with that.

  2. This is what we are doing.  Most travel agencies offer this now, so we are going to arrange our trip through a travel agent and then spread the word that is where we are registered for.  Depending on the travel place you book at, sometimes people can pay for specific things on your honeymoon (like a dinner at a specific restaurant they recommend, a tour of a certain place or tickets to a show).  That way people aren't just giving you money they are actually giving you a specific part of your honeymoon.

    We don't expect to get anywhere near even half covered by "gifts" but we live together and have house stuff so it's more practical to register for something you actually want, and we are planning to go to Paris so we wouldn't be able to afford it on our own after paying for a big wedding.

    Lastly, as with any place you register for it is impolite to put registry or mention anything about gifts on the wedding invitation.  When you send an invitation you are inviting someone to celebrate, not to give you a gift.

    Good Luck!

  3. My IL's hosted a honeymoon shower for us in lieu of an engagement party (our families live on opposite coasts & my parents hosted an engagement party & my bridal shower that was for their friends; this party was IL's celebration).  On our wedding website I described where we were going, what we hoped to do, lots of pictures & contact info (websites, phone numbers, etc.).  We were blessed to receive some fabulous gifts - hot air balloon excursion, dinner for 2 at a fancy schmancy, super romantic restaurant, lift tickets, gift certificates to Peter Glenn Ski Shop & couples massage at the ski resort.

    We heard many of the guests comment on what a great idea they thought the party was.  We knew this group of guests all traveled frequently so reading about our honeymoon plans was exciting to them.  By having it on our website, we were able to go into detail & include the info & did NOT have to pay any fees to a travel broker or ask for cash deposits.

  4. I'm not sure about this exact thing, but there is one instance i know of where a group of friends all chipped in and bought the couple's plane tickets for their honeymoon. You could tell your close friends and family that you really don't need that much, but would love a gift certificate to a restaurant or something wherever you're going. I'm sure they can get the word out. Congrats and good luck!

  5. I wouldn't recommend it. You're basically asking for money, which is not acceptable!

  6. I have gotten bridal shower invites that have said...registered at Macy's, Pier 1, and Global Travel.  I don't know how successful the B2B was in getting gift certificates for her travel agency but it is worth a try!

  7. I guess depending where you are going, I dont see why not. Whats the difference of you asking for some stuff for your honeymoon that you are going to use as oppsed to another pot to add to the collection that you already have or even a gift card, which is like asking for cash for the store your registered at. Go for it girl, do what you want. Good luck =)

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