
Has anyone ever researched whether flowers feel any pain.....?

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when they are cut & stuck in a vase.....? Would that be a good subject for some poor nerd's Phd thesis....?




  1. i think they do.

  2. Poor Aussie... I think spring has got you into trouble!

    Some people here want to crumble you like a flower ...or maybe cut you and stick you in a vase. Am I one of the few here who likes flower questions?

    As for this one, I don't really know the answer but I have read and learned for myself that plants in general respond very well to a loving treatment (as just about any living creature does, even koalas), so if you take good care of them, they will thrive. So, I suppose that on the other hand, they will suffer, yes ... dunno, maybe ... who knows???  

  3. Why?!? What are you planning on doing to those flowers????

    Should we begin being concerned...must we hold an intervention :-o

    (there is a fine-line between passion and obsession mate)

  4. Read the book called "The Secret Life of Plants"

    You may find it interesting. Here's a link to it at amazon:

  5. Bad News for Vegetarians

    "Plants are aware," says Dr. Williams, "and they feel pain!" ... He told me that plants not only seem to be aware and to feel pain, it looks like they can even communicate.

  6. omfg... Hippie lay off those shrooms

  7. You need a nervous system to fell pain you nunce,  

  8. Aussie, repeat after me:

    I need to get over flowers.......I need to get over flowers........I need to get over flowers.

    Because if you don't, Kate will hurt you and we will all help her.

  9. ok rosebud you will feel so much pain if you keep this up

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