
Has anyone ever seen a ghost or had a paranormal experience?

by  |  earlier

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if so, id like to hear your stories. also if you havent yet, what would u do if you did see one? personaly, if i saw a ghost i think id be so scared i'd probably just freeze with shock, or pass out from fright.




  1. Actually when I saw your avatar I thought I'd seen my double!

  2. I've never seen a ghost, but I had an insanely scary hallucination- I woke up at 2AM one night and saw a shadow in front of the entrance to my room. I turned on the lights and saw this kid that I had never seen before in my life staring at me. Then he was gone. The way my room is set up he didn't walk out, I would have noticed- he was just gone. I was freaked out for the next 48 hours by this.

  3. All the time.  To me, such things are not paranormal, but perfectly normal.  I find it odd that others cannot or will not see such things that are so obvious.

  4. Ghost is the just thought. When people think of someone so much, start imagining that for real, and believe their imagination is a real. That what ghost is.

  5. About a month or 2 ago I was laying in bed and saw a man standing in the corner of my room. I couldn't make out his face but I could see an outline of a man perfectly with a cowboy hat. I saw the same man standing at the top of our stairs once and my mom saw him in the kitchen. I've also seen a little boy standing in my brothers bed room. I was so scared each time I almost started crying lol.

  6. i have a disease that causes me to pass out from overheating (i dont sweat) and i die. my heart stops and i stop shuts down my brain basically.

    when this happens..almost every single time..i see things happen before my eyes. the first time it happened...they brought me back and i looked at my mom (i was only 6 at the time) and asked where carl was. she asked me why and i said i just saw him and he was running with me playing and told me that he would always love me. then he said goodbye but he would see me in my dreams.

    later that day he died...he had cerebral palsy and was bound to a wheelchair the entire time he was alive.

    it was the craziest thing had ever happened to me..and i had more experiences like that every time it happened with someone i loved in them that passed on later that day or in the days to follow.

    to this day..everytime it happens and i see something.i wake up and keep it to myself. i have been told im crazy more times than once just for telling the story about carl so i dont tell anyone anymore...but i have seen things no one can explain and i believe ive been used by the ones who love me for a reason.

    theres no doubt in my mind im being watched over by every single one of them.

  7. i  talked to a person outside the pub one night for half hour

    then said good by went inside said i had been talking to him and they told me he died in a car crash 2 weeks before.

    and no i wasn't drinking

  8. I had a near death experience with an angel if that counts... After i got shot, this guy appears out of nowhere and asks me to pray with him, soon after the ambulance arrives, the guy dissappears and nobody even recalls him...WEEEIRD!!!

  9. I know of quite a few very interesting stories.

    A friend of mine is from South America. He knows a man who owns a very unusual trophy. The man with this trophy told him the story about how he came into possession of it.

    A friend of the man with the trophy had been walking in the jungle, far away from civilization. He came upon this tree, and he saw, standing right next to the tree, a "little person", who was maybe 3 feet tall, and fully grown. This little person was guarding a bundle of golden bananas. The little person spoke to him- he said "you stay here and guard these golden bananas- if you leave, I will kill you."

    The little person suddenly left, and was swallowed up by the jungle.

    The man was scared to death, and just waited there for many days. The little person evidently never came back for his treasure.

    The man guarding the bananas perished while guarding them.

    So now, this friend of that man who died in the jungle beside the golden bananas has them locked away in a secret place.


    One time, in a small city outside of Atlanta, Georgia...

    this is a true story. It took place about 40 years ago.

    My Fiance's mother was still a little girl, perhaps 8 years old or so. She was riding the school bus to school one morning.

    The school bus stopped in front of this little girl's house to pick her up. The little girl proceeded to get onto the bus- but she was crying, and was very obviously upset about something.

    The bus driver asked the little girl "Why are you crying? Is something wrong?"

    The little girl pointed to a lake nearby, and explained that she had saw something shaped like a big, dark plate which came out of the water, and hovered in the air.

    Everyone on board the bus disembarked from the bus. They looked at the lake, and saw this cigar shaped object...about the same size as the bus itself...right above the water.

    There were many credible witnesses who did indeed see a large, saucer shaped object hovering just above the water. It sat there for a few minutes, and it finally

    went straight up into the air. It kept ascending quickly, and split into three separate parts, and all three parts kept flying skyward until they drifted out of view.

  10. No, they haven' has ever actually seen a ghost or had a "paranormal experience", but a surprising number of otherwise intelligent people genuinely believe they have!

  11. Yes I see them a lot, 4 this year. Its been a good year, then again I do go looking for them.  Most people just freeze with a dumb look on their face.

  12. Nobody has ever seen a ghost. Trust me.

  13. I've seen one ghost. My grandfather, after he died. On the way home from the funeral I saw him standing next to his car at his old house, wearing the outfit he was buried in. He was only there for about 10 seconds, then vanished. I was speechless. And frozen. But not scared. It just made me happy my Grandpa was still around.

  14. My grandad came to me once while I was thinking about him.  I was sitting up in bed and wasnt asleep.  Also after he died all the lightbulbs in his house kept blowing.

  15. i had a dream about a friend i lost touch with & in the dream my friends faced was messed up so when i woke up i looked his name up online & found his obit & a news story that he died in a car crash.

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