
Has anyone ever seen a more trivial report than that of Geelong's Steve Johnson, for "headbutting"??

by Guest61013  |  earlier

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I did not see Lance Franklin's incident but I did see this one - plus many replays. As one commentator lated said, "They brushed eyebrows!"

In my view it was so trivial it was ridiculous. If Johnson is convicted for what he has been reported for - then Aussie Rules football will become a joke. If things keep going as they are players wont be game to even make contact with an opponent.




  1. Perhaps a reprimand for messing up someone's hair will be the go?? I agree, perhaps aussie rules will eventually be palyed as touch football.....

  2. bit of a joke that one i think there might have been a bit of accidental hair contact thats about all he will get off that one

  3. Yes, I have.

    I saw one last week - it was the one where Adam Sellwood of WCE got convicted for striking. It was no more than a push to the stomach of an opponent - while they were both involved in some minor pushing 7 shoving.

    He was convicted but because of no prior record he received a reprimand. The AFL umpires panel & the AFL tribunal have gone completely over the top this year. They are slowly destroying the game. Serves them right if they do!

  4. No, I have never seen anything as silly before.

    The report was an embarrassment to the umpire. The opposing team received a free kick from the centre & it could have resulted in a score. In this case it made no difference as it was not a close game but imagine losing by a kick as the result of such actions by an umpire.

    He should be dropped back to umpiring in the bush because he certainly can't handle the big time games.

  5. yeah there was nothing in that at all if he gets put out for that i dont know what the game is coming to

  6. Thank Christ it got thrown out,   that one was ridiculous,  the Franklin one not so.

    Hips to heads are nasty,  be it glancing or not, we have all seen glancing blows on the temples knocking boxers out, the hip has more behind it then a punch,  100kg of buddy Franklin, you just shouldn't do that, protect the player with his head over the ball other wise it will become a game of cheap shots like league is.

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