
Has anyone ever seen bugs flying in a tall spiral shaped cluster?

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My friend and I were driving through Ritzville, washington..and just past Ritzville there were tons of these tall, spiral-shaped clusters of bugs..they were not swarming around anything specific because some were by bushes, others rocks..and so on.

Does anyone know what kind of bugs these could be?




  1. well, lots of bugs fly together. as a guess, were they gnats?

  2. Sounds like gnats.  When they 'swarm' like that they are in  mating frenzy.

    By the way, you can herd them.  Get a light  (white seems to work best) colored piece of paper or shirt and get it under the spiral.  The 'swarm' will follow it if yo do not move to fast.  It is a fun if mean trick to play on fornicating insects.

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