
Has anyone ever seen or heard what they though was a ghost?

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What was your experience? I believe in them just really never had a solid experince with one I thought I heard one once but I'm not sure.




  1. yes,

    i saw my grandfather after he died.

    most will say it was a childs dream

    but i saw him

    three nights in a row

    the first night he stood in my bedroom door

    the second he stood in the middle of the floor

    and finally i saw him sitting next to me on my bed.

    ne never said anything

    but i could tell that he told me he was okay.

    the first two i saw waking up in the middle of the night

    but the third i was on my way to bed.

    i had just lay down

    and i felt the bed lower

    and i opened my eyes again

    im talking two minuetes closed

    and i ran to my parents scared as h**l

    they can verify that

    but they didnt see him

    bear in mind i was ten

    and at that time already

    thinking like an atheist.

    it is events like this that made me thhink twice about having another world around us that we cant see

  2. it's either science is true or ghosts exist, not both. people report ghosts being clothed, how can that be possible? does clothing have a spirit? for starters ghosts, if they exist, should be naked.  

  3. i think so, it was 2:30 in the morning an i went to the kitchen to grab a snack and drink. while i was pouring juice i heard a ahhhhhhhh noise. not a scream  it was like a moan but a weird noise and i tried to play it off like it was a owl( owls don't sound like that ) then i heard it again and i ran to my room and turned the tv up loud!!

  4. well, when we 1st moved into our house 6 years ago. I was in the bath tub and I heard a boy crying very loud, I jumped out of the tub because my infant daughter was sleeping in her crib, I ran into her room and she was sound asleep. The crying was gone. Then a few weeks after that I heard a sounds as if someone was running down my hallway into the back bedroom, it was very loud, I was the only one home- My dogs didn't even move. (see, this kept happening, just little things, the boy who lived in my house had died at age 8, he was run over by a tractor) His parents built a new house 5 houses down from us) So, being hearing these things scared me, I just talked out loud told the little boy that his parents live down the street now to go there, and I never heard it again. sooo good luck and I hope it's a good ghost! :)

  5. I think everyone has to some degree rather they really paid attention to it or not or just brushed it off as its just the imaginenation i thought i saw a flash of light over in the morning while i was sitting outside relaxing during the 4 of july then that morning my mom was told her best friend died so yes its probally very possible .Scary isn't it !!

  6. i have never had but my friend says there are two ghosts in her house...

    she says there are cold spots in her house that she has felt and then gone back to check and its gone, not AC...

    also she says her dogs stare at empty corners in the house

  7. My grandmother was very good at many crafts. She made a set of refrigerator magnets for my parents that looked like tiny bags of groceries.

    After a long bout with cancer, she died. The very night she died every one in the family found a magnet on the floor, picked it up and put it back on the refrigerator. I believe she visited us and said good bye.

  8. yeah his name was joe jonas. pretty scary

  9. I had a friend that had a ghost play with the locks of his car, scared the c**p outta him because when he didnt expect it it would do and when he would expect it nothing would happen. He saw a handprint at an impossible angle simply appear while he was driving too!

    I saw a ghost when i was little, it was really mean and chased little kids around the playground

  10. Yes, several times.  Both the 'sound only' type and the type like a mist or ball of light.  However, they aren't dead people trapped here at all.  They are for the most part, much more like a holograph or an old recording.  That is why they do the same thing over and over. You can interact with them to an extent, but they do not have thought or personality, etc., and they certainly are not dead folks in the true sense.

  11. I don't have an experience, but I asked a question almost identical to this and got some pretty great stories if you're interested.

  12. I work in a health care facility over nights.  I had 9 patients that night to care for.  I went into one of the rooms to turn off the TV since no one was in the room.  As I walked into the room the channels started changing on their own.  I picked up the remote to shut it off but it wouldn't shut off.  I walked closer to the TV and still it wouldn't shut off.  I pushed the off button on the TV and it turned off.  A couple hours later I entered the same room to get supplies.  The TV turns on by itself and starts flipping through channels again.  But this time the remote isn't next to the TV where I put it.  It is moved across the room on a night stand. I push the off button on the TV again. By this time I am trying to get it to repeat it but it won't. I so much wanted to scare my co-worker.  I think that it was the spirit of the man who had died in that room months earlier.  He had a good sense of humor before his health declined.  

  13. ok

  14. Hi:

    I have one experience myself and have heard accounts from other people I trust of their experiences - many of them have had truly unexplanable events.  Here's the text from a similar question that I got a best answer a few months ago.  You might also check out the personal stories on the shadowlands website - some stories are a little out there, but some are from people who sound pretty trustworthy like soldiers, police officers, firemen, security guards, hospital staff, etc.

    I don't know if it was truly or ghost or not, but it was something I can't logically explain. I was sitting in a chair in my living room a few years ago and saw from the corner of my left eye a whitish shape that was about a foot from me, and about 1 square foot in shape, and generally a longish oval shape that was about a foot off the ground. In the instant that it appeared, I thought at first it was probably a pretty solid piece of cobweb that had floated from somewhere (since the heating vent is at the floor in that general location), but in the fraction of a second when I turned my head to get a better look at it and to pick it up possibly and throw it out, it was completely gone and there was no way something like a piece of cobweb that big would have just disappeared. That's the only time I've ever really seen anything weird like that. I tend to think the house I live in is lightly haunted - every once in a while it seems like I hear voices in the other rooms over the tv, and occassionally see flashes of lights or other odd visual phenomenon. Our house was built close to 1920 or so, but the area is about a block away from a house that was used as a field hospital in the Civil War in Missouri.

  15. Yes, I have seen one ghost and that was my grandfather after two days he died a few years ago. This year I heard ghosts whispering in my ear," Hellooo!! *giggles*" and the other night some ghosts screamed,"help me.noo." Again, the other night one of them snapped in my ear while i was sleeping. I then woke up and saw no one there. I got chills. It's true.

  16. my grandmother's house is haunted, i saw a shadow of a man walking through the doors, my dad saw it when he was younger, before i was born, and when i told him i had seen it, he told me about the whole haunted thing. another house in the same neighborhood, locals say there are screams coming from inside, and lights come on randomly. the family that lived there all killed themselves. personally, ive never experienced what goes on at that house.

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