
Has anyone ever seen planet of the apes?

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can someone PLEASE EXPLAIN THE ENDING! its so weird..




  1. vannesa wats ur msn. I need to tell u something.

    Sorry i havent seen the planet of the apes..

  2. I loved the ending of the original, but I never really thought it made any sense.

    I mean, he'd been quite happy to accept that this planet's inhabitants were chimps and gorillas exactly the same as those from Earth, except that they could talk. And, what's more, he'd been quite happy to accept that their speech and writing had developed to be exactly the same as 20th century English.

    So why, when he sees the half-buried statue, does he suddenly realise it was Earth all along? Why not think 'Well, these people must also have built their own Statue of Liberty'? Why would that be any more unlikely than speaking the exact same language? It makes no sense.

    Still a good ending, though.

  3. The old one or the new one? ( I don't remember the endings clearly, it's been awhile since I've seen either)

    New one, I don't really understand. He tries to go back to his planet, to find that it's the same planet and further in the future. I don't get why the general? was like Abe Lincoln. I didn't understand the ending either.

    In the old one, He thinks he on a different planet and later finds the remands of the Statue of Liberty. He's upset that it's the same planet he left (earth) and how the planet has changed.  

  4. Oh my God,  It was earth all along!!

    d**n you! d**n you all to h**l!!!

  5. I've seen every single last one of them, including the remake by Tim Burton, several times.  They are all in my collection.

    The original with Charlton Heston is easy to understand.  The Statue Of Liberty sticking out of the sand just indicated that man had destroyed the earth, and therefore apes had then evolved to become the dominant species.

    The ending to the remake is a little harder to understand, but what it meant was that after returning to earth the apes had become the dominant species, probably because of something he had done to change the past-future, and when he landed he had ended up in a "different" time than he had left, which was further into the future.  It's a time thing, and a paradox, which is often hard to mentally put together.  Time altering due to travel through it, was explained very well in the Back To The Future movies if you really pay attention.

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