
Has anyone ever seen the underlying beauty within your flaws?

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Has anyone ever seen the underlying beauty within your flaws?




  1. Yes, and his love was magnificent.  Although the flaws were there, he never seemed to acknowledge them, and if they were pointed out he would always say ever so gently "that sweetheart, is yet another reason why I love you so very deeply".☆

  2. flaws give you character. wouldn't we be boring without them?  

  3. Yes, it is that they result in humility.

  4. a rehab alcoholic and cocaine gave me the insight of seeing what i have done with my was a high and beautiful in more ways then one...NOW...

    ...i have no regrets and im moving up and on to a better cleaner life that's beautiful too...

    ...thanks for asking...

  5. Yes, being reminded of my flaws is humbling and feels good.  

  6. Many times our beauty is most evident in our flaws.

    If everything was perfect about us there would be no need to admire the beauty when we saw it because everything would be beautiful.

    Such  fun questions!

  7. Not really. But it is beautiful when you love someone and overlook theirs.

  8. Yes.  I met someone that happened to notice that I have a discoloration right in the middle of my lower lip.  Instead of the pinkish color that lips are that one area is a translucent, clear color.  It's noticeably discolored, but usually I swipe some tinted lip gloss on to cover it up and ease the self consciousness and then it's not that big a deal.  

    I met this guy at a dance and we had a wonderful night together dancing and talking. When the dance was over he walked me to my car.  He was talking to me and all of a sudden he brushed his finger across my lower lip and sucked his breath in like he had just burned himself or something.  Then he said (in Spanish), "this part of your lip has been driving my crazy all night!"  and he kissed me.  I was shocked, but pleasantly surprised.  Instant boyfriend!!!! *LOL*  (and he turned out to be a good one too, and an excellent kisser!)  

    I didn't make any more efforts to cover up my lip after that and to this day I still don't.  I never thought a flaw could be s**y, but thanks to this guy I'm singin' a different tune.

  9. There is beauty in the flaws of being human. It makes us realize that there is always room for improvement and is one of the most artistic things of being human.

  10. yes, after 10 years of extreme psychological suffering i finally saw that the biggest "problem" i ever had was actually a rare blessing : )

  11. I worry so much and am pretty insecure at times, but my boyfriend manages to see past that and loves me so much. I don't understand WHY he wouldn't want to go for someone more interesting, but he is so sweet and forgiving. :)

  12. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but for me flaws are the real beauty. Perfection has the look of a death's mask. We are after all, made up of our limitations. So if you can't appreciate imperfection you are a death worshiper and I don't really have time for that.

    Also have you ever used a roadmap without lines? Thats what a face without wrinkles is to me.

  13. Yes many times

    We are not perfect if we were, we would not be here : )

    Love & Blessings


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