
Has anyone ever stepped down after being nominated for VP?

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Has anyone ever stepped down after being nominated for VP?




  1. Palin will be the first.  

  2. I don't think so but Palin would probably be doing her party a favor if she made a decision to step down. I can't help but think that Palin was not McCain's choice but that strategist made the decision for him. Regardless, in my opinion, it back fired!

  3. Yes, and if this saga continues so should she. There are enough candidates out there to compliment McCain to salvage this mess.

  4. It has happened before.  But there is no reason for Palin to step down.

  5. I kind of don't want her to drop out, I think it helps Obama. McCain messed up by selecting Palin, and should have gone with someone with more experience like Romney.  

  6. She will only be a problem if McCain dies. Otherwise she will be fine. What I want to see is the Presidential candidate step down. But it didn't happen. We are still stuck with Obama.

  7. edwards came close!!

  8. Yes, the Democrats had one

  9. Yeah back in '72 Gov. Eagleton stepped down as McGovern's democratic VP nominee.  Back then I think he stepped down based on rumor he was undergoing electroshock therapy.  The way things are going for Gov. Palin we may have a second person step down.

  10. Yes Eagleton (Democrat) after it was found that he had a nervous breakdown

    Agnew (Republican) was prosicuted for tax fraud.

  11. Don't know however without research I have an independent idea that once someone accepts the invitation it would be hard to just "Step Down". They have "Convinced her they can win"! Told her she was the "Missing Link".Made her feel " Very Special" "Patriotic" the whole pitch! She is a victim of "Big Oil" who can afford to take the chance!However the Movement for "Change" is to strong! Woman will see through the smoke and realize she doesn't have Woman's rights at heart!

    Obama / Biden 2008!

    Ebony & Ivory Presidency!

  12. Spiro Agnew, Nelson Rockerfeller.

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