
Has anyone ever taken Redoxin B Effervescent tablets. I am wondering what the benefits are and what you have f

by Guest67018  |  earlier

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Has anyone ever taken Redoxin B Effervescent tablets. I am wondering what the benefits are and what you have f




  1. Each  tablet contains Vitamin C 1000mg, Vitamin B1 15mg, B2 15mg, Niacinamide 50mg, Vitamin B6 10mg, Pantothenic acid 23mg, biotin 150ug, Vitamin B12 10ug and magnesium 100mg.

    B vitamins for energy, Vitamin C for antioxidant and immune system, magnesium for muscles.

    Good hangover remedy.  Take last thing before you go to bed and first thing when you wake up.

    Convenient  and it tastes good so you remember to take it each day

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