
Has anyone ever taken medication for sleep paralysis?

by  |  earlier

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If you did..what was it and did it work? This has never happened to me ...which I'm extremely grateful for. But if it ever does..I want to have this information. If it's only mental..then medication should work to make them stop.Thanks.




  1. Clonazepam is highly effective in the treatment of sleep paralysis.[12] The initial dose is 0.5 mg at bedtime, while an increase to 1 mg per night might be necessary to maintain potency.

    Ritalin has been used successfully as a daytime medication to promote structured sleep patterns and the prevention of sleep paralysis in some adults. Care should be taken to monitor blood pressure along with other appropriate tests. Dosage starts at 20mg per day (morning) increased weekly until episodes diminish.[citation needed]

  2. well no but one day I may need to take some medication.

  3. I have never taken medication fot it. I do have it from time to time. But I know what it is.


  4. I get sleep paralysis, but I never took medication for it.  I don't think I ever would.  Why s***w with my body (or mind) for something so harmless?  Its not worth it!

    All you need to do is wait it out and it will stop, or fight it and it will also eventually stop.

    The first time I got sleep paralysis was really scary because I didn't know what it was, but now that I know what it is it does not scare me at all.  I've only had it happen maybe 3 times in my life and they all occured between 2000 and 2008 (the most recent was just last week).

    Normally what sets it off is my being awakened suddenly from deep sleep by a strange sound (one that once I awake I realize had to of been imagined or dreamt because of the situation in the room).  New Agers might say this is what happens when you are suddenly returned to your body from the astral plane (I'm not sure that is my case).

    My father was on medication for it once and the meds suppressed his REM sleep so he was tired all the time.

  5. I get sleep paraylsis quite regular, and no ive never taken anything for it......But i do know there are meds you can take to stop a person from having SP......

    SP usually happens when we are inbetween sleep states of been half awake and half asleep....People that take meds, puts them into a deep sleep, so it skips the inbetween stages....Just because meds stop SP from happening does not mean its a medical condition...As some meds and drugs will stop a person from connecting spiritually, it lowers their energy as in vibration.....When we are semi awake and SP kicks in, our vibration is higher, allowing us to astral travel, and interact in the spiritual plane, this is why most people have OBE,s and see spirits in this state of being......

    Its almost like classing a person as having a mental illness cause they hear voices, or see things, and are given meds to stop that from happening...That still does not prove the person has a mental illness, but instead the person could be hearing spirits when around them, and seeing them, ....Many drugs and meds will put a block on a person which again stops them from having any spiritual contact...While other drugs and meds will enhance the whole experience or might even cause it to happen......So just because meds will stop you from having SP does not mean its a medical condition.....As i dont believe it to be at all, either do alot of other people, and who experiment and research this state further......Including myself.......

  6. you mean when you wake suddenly and you cant move?

    that's normal, it happens to everyone once in a while.Your body produces a hormone that paralysis your body when you sleep so you don't act out your dreams. if you wake suddenly from REM sleep you still have that in your system and your adrenaline hasn't had time to get to your muscles to allow you to move.

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