
Has anyone ever taken mescaline ?

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the natural drug that comes froms from cactus

descriptive sensory memory accepted

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  1. No, can't really get it around here. OHIO.

    Shrooms are abundant though and I heard they're like 25 times stronger than mescaline.

  2. Shrooms are different from mescaline

  3. no, but i know a man who has.

  4. Yes, though it is part of a spiritual rite in a pure native form. it should not be use  for fun. Like  LSD if you have stress and worry you take on your "trip".They turn to "demons"(best word I could think of) that will haunt you.

  5. Yes and it's like a mixture of very strong LSD and cocaine,,much,much stronger than shrooms and much more hallucingenic.

    I remember believing I could walk on a loch,seeing Jimmy Page playing guitar ontop a castle battlements.

    It was nearly 15 years ago and I can't really remember the actual feeling but it was intense and amazing !!

  6. no i wish i could get my hands on a peyote button, i'd like to try it but aldous huxley who wrote brave new world wrote another book about his hallucinogenic experiences with lysergic acid and mescaline in a book called the doors of perception (thats how the band the doors came up with their name).  he famously took 100 mg of lsd as he lay dying.

    here is a great website where users post their experiences:


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