
Has anyone ever taken the caltrain to the oracle arena in oakland, ca?

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Im going to an event there and i was wondering how far the cal train drops you off from the arena. is it decent walking distance? im going to have a 4 year old child with me and it will be in the evening so i wanted to know if the station is really far walking distance from the arena. Has anyone ever done it?




  1. cal train *doesnt * go to Oakland but it does

    go to San Francisco

    but you can use transit from San Jose and bart to get to your destination

    I ran your trip though is the bay area transit planner thiis is one of the results:

    you said evening here you go :

    Itinerary for Tuesday, leaving at 6:32 pm.

    Depart: Caltrain San Jose Diridon/cahill in San Jose


    Go to: Woz Way & Childrens Discovery Mu. (To see a map of this location, choose below.)

    Location maps: Location Map (511 maps) Location Map (Google maps)

    Board: Santa Clara VTA Train #901/Alum Rock Station at 6:42 pm (next 6:57 pm) (schedule detail)

    Fare: Pay $1.75

    Get Off: North First & Saint James Park at 6:50 pm


    Go to: N. Corner Of 1 St & St James. (To see a map of this location, choose below.)

    Location maps: Location Map (511 maps) Location Map (Google maps)

    Board: Santa Clara VTA Bus #180 Express/Fremont at 7:07 pm (next 7:36 pm) (schedule detail)

    Fare: Pay $3.50

    Get Off: Fremont BART at 7:55 pm


    Go to: BART Fremont, 2000 BART Way. (To see a map of this location, choose below.)

    Location maps: Location Map (511 maps) Location Map (Google maps)

    Board: BART Fremont/Rich Line/Richmond at 8:00 pm (next train at 8:15 pm) (schedule detail)

    Fare: Pay $3.40, Get BART Ticket

    Get Off: BART Coliseum/Oakland Airport at 8:26 pm

    Go to: Oracle Arena in Oakland. (To see a map of this location, choose below.)

    Location maps: Location Map (511 maps) Location Map (Google maps)

  2. Ouch Jessica !! Since a) CalTrain runs on the OTHER side of the bay, and b) CalTrain's northern most stop is in San Francisco !!  You can walk a few blocks and catch BART...

    I've never walked from BART to the Oakland Coliseum... I'm a Giants fan !!

    Check to plan your route.

    Also check

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