
Has anyone ever taken the drug tegretol to relieve neurological symptoms?

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12 years ago I suffered an unstable fracture to my T12 vertebrae. I've been having some weird neurological symptoms such as tingling & pins and needle feeling in my legs and feet.

My neurosurgeon prescribed Tegretol to see if it helps with my symptoms, so far it's done nothing. Has anyone else used this drug with success?




  1. unfortunately tegretol has several side effect, i advise you to go to another doctor first:

  2. I've taken tegretol for is an awful drug that leaves you feeling like  you have led in your shoes....if tegretol has not helped then it is possible that you do not have nerve pain because tegretol and nuerton are two drugs that definately work to eliminate nerve pain..maybe  you need a higher dose.... it didn't work well for me untill my dose was higher....I took both drugs at the same time and became pain free...

  3. Your  will recover from this disease very slowly only. b'cas  this drug works as an anti-convulsant for partial and grand mal seizures by reducing or blocking certain responses in the brain. It is also used for treating trigeminal neuralgia. any neuro diseases will take long time to cure.

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