
Has anyone ever told you that if you have a wonderful easy baby?

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that you will have a hard time with the toddler years? My mom said that someone at her work told her that our baby will have a difficult time with being a toddler since he's such an easy baby? Has anyone ever heard that or is that just someone making up c**p to say???




  1. thats not true!! if your baby has an easy temperment now and does have any life changing experience he should be fine! unless you spoil him of course!

    my baby was great as an infant and hes still great entering toddlerhood.

  2. I dunno but when my mum had my lil brothers (now 10 and 8) they were average behaving babies and they were pain in the butt toddlers. but i thought all children went through those stages. they do from what i have seen (i'm 22)

  3. I think its probably c**p and she is just jealous!

    Some people are just born relaxed and mellow and then stay that way when they are raised by relaxed and mellow parents.

    Edit: No kids, big shocker! It seems that women without kids are always the biggest experts on raising them. Don't be hurt, I know you are tougher then that Mama!!

  4. I get that too. People tell me since he is so laid back and easy going that he will be bad when he gets older. I don't believe it. He has been laid back since birth (he wouldn't even cry when he was born) and I don't see that really changing.

  5. Not true!!!  At least not from my experience, my 3 1/2 year old is STILL a sweet, little angel!!!  I think we just got lucky and somebody's jealous.   ; )

  6. ppl always tell me my son is so good that he will b a easy toddler! so i guess i get it a different way weird!

  7. I think it's just people trying to rationalize their own children's behaviour.

    I got that a lot too, but at 2 1/2 my daughter is perfectly manageable.

    Don't expect to escape tantrums, but if you keep up with training and correction, your child won't be out of control ever.

  8. Ive heard that as well but i think its just every parents personal experience. If your baby is a calm mellow baby as an infant it doesn't necessary mean that you will have problems in hertoddlerr years. I think it all depends on the baby and the way you mold your baby as he or she grows.

  9. No I've never heard anyone said it before. Funny how one can say it when one hasn't experienced it. At least you know, if and when your child becomes a toddler and becomes a handful at least you know you are capable and is able to handle what lies ahead. As a mother it comes naturally. For that woman to say that she must not have the ability to handle a child in that situation so I guess it is best she doesn't become a parent.  

  10. No, I haven't heard that actually, I've always heard that if your first baby is easy, your second one will be a terror!  I know one of my younger brothers was way laid back as a baby, and has continued to be that way and he's in his 20's now.  My daughter was a pretty good baby,  and boy have we hit that preschool attitude already now at 4!  But all around, she's been a great kid as far as not getting into things she shouldn't and that type of thing.  She's always been great playing on her own when she needs to and stuff like that.

  11. I've heard that too! Lets just pray it isn't true because I really cannot complain about Noah now....

    Oh, I also heard if you had an "easy" labor then your baby would be more fussy.

  12. Oh gee. I have heard that too, but my baby was easygoing and she never hit the terrible twos and still to this day she is easygoing- 6 years old.  

  13. I had some pretty rough 1st 3months but now my son's an angel, i hope he stays this way.. No i have never heard that..

    Hopefully it's a lie =]

    God Bless

  14. I've heard it but I don't believe it because it depends on how you parent how your child acts, not if they were an easy baby. But if it does happen to be true, I'm in big big big trouble.

  15. Sounds like a bunch of b.s! someone that has a fussy baby who is hating on you for having it so easy is probably saying that.

    Don't worry, you'll be just fine.

  16. I've heard that too.  I'm scared.

    I'm hoping it's just some moron making c**p up to scare me.  (It's working... lol)

  17. i doubt that's true, a "good" baby is just as likely to act up in their toddler years as a "bad" baby.  i think it depends more on the parenting when they reach toddler years.

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