
Has anyone ever touch, or been touched by a ghost or spirit?

by Guest163  |  earlier

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In what way, explain in detail of the experience...

Have you felt a hand in yours as your were asleep...

Have you felt a hand touch you on top of the head...

Have you felt like someone is hugging you as you sleep...

Was it a good or bad spirit-ghost touching...

Have you had your blanket yanked off of you...

I don't hear to much of this type of communication of touching going on....that's why I am asking...

And have you touch a ghost or spirit, and have you felt anything?

Did they allow you to touch or did you just try to?




  1. I need your opinion......

    About two months ago around 5pm, i was sitting on my couch when i suddenly felt tounch on my leg. I was sitting legs crossed (dont know how eles to explain but "Indian style") what I felt was the light pressure of three finger tips press down right leg above my knee, i could even feel the heat of the finger tips. I didnt move my body only my eyes to the spot I felt being touched at, I could still feel it while i was looking after a few seconds I brushed my hand acrossed that part of my leg and the feeling was gone altogether. does this sound to anyone paranormal? 

  2. yes! right now while I'm typing this, it feels like a heavy and cold feeling is wrapped aroung my hands.

    I dunno Is it the spirit of our loved one who just passed away?Do you think he wanna say something?


    Well, a love one passed away a month ago, I took it very hard because we were very close and It been 3 years since the last time I saw him. We had a talk last febuary of this year, and he said that he really wanted to go home, but the communication stopped coz I did something that I knew would hurt and dissapoint him. I was so ashamed of what I have done, but through the exchange of text messages I had read in my sibling cellphone with him, he accepted what happened, on the back of my mind I would apologyze personally when he gets home. Then last Nov. 22,2010, my eyes has just opened from sleeping on the sofa,saw my brother watching T.v, then suddenly he mentioned that our loved one just passed away. I didnt know how to react, my mind was blank, little did I know my tears starts pouring.. non stop. Even at work  I couldn't help it, I was really devastated and regret that I didn't talk to him and apologyze. Now that he is gone, I won't be able to do that. What hurts the most is We cannot even attend the funeral coz it is in the other side of the globe where the funeral was held. I was really heart broken, I even prayed and wished for him to visit me and talk to me so that I could say sorry, but I didn't feel anything a week or two after he passed away, untill last night  while surfing the net....Suddenly a cold felling is wrapping around my right hand, and then my elbow, then an emotion bursted out, I remember him, started crying and grieving again. Then I realized that I am sitting on his favourite chair and ofcourse it made me cry harder. After crying my heart out, I felt relieved and light, and was able to put smile on my face.

    Right now I am sitting again on his chair, and yes I just cried, again...




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