
Has anyone ever traveled by boat?

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I'm trying to find an easier way to get to Australia with my dog. Would traveling by boat be easier? Cheaper?




  1. Boat would be alot harder, would take alot longer and would be more expensive.

    By air you will be here within 24 hours, they have proper facilites for pets, alot less hassle and significantly cheaper.

    One word of advice, you dog will have to go through quarantine when you arrive, so you could be without him for a week if not longer.

  2. Where are you traveling from?

    If its a long journey on a personal boat, you need to factor in food and gas, etc.

    If traveling by a cruse line, it would be more expensive then flying due to the costs of lodging, meals, entertainment, and service of the staff.

  3. flying is cheaper

  4. Depends where you are travelling from. If you are into adventure you could try a cargo ship. They have space for passengers. Cruising is seen as a luxury way to travel these days and would be expensive. My friend brought her dog from the UK a few years ago. He was really old but was fine on the plane. She did have to sedate him however. Plane is cheaper and faster.

  5. It's very strict trying to bring a dog here.  Have you researched that?  Flying is always cheaper, amazingly

  6. It is difficult to bring dgs to Australia, they have to spend many months in quarantine. You definately can't bring one on a holiday.

    It is also very difficult and expensive to travel by boat, flying is much, much cheaper and easier.

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