
Has anyone ever tried the new phones that have a modem?

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My internet provider has the new phones now , that can call anywhere without long distance charges.. They have a little modem attached to it. HOW do they work and do they work okk.




  1. That sounds like VoIP service. However, they may be calling it "Digital Phone" service.

    Many phone manufacturers are now building VoIP capability into cordless phones.  Some of these phones, have Internet Router and VoIP adapter built into it.

    Otherwise, they may be providing your with an ATA (analog telephone adapter) that connects to Internet via your Internet modem and network router.  It could also have its own built-in NAT-Router.  The ATA allows you to connect a regular telephone to it and talk just like a regular phone line.

    There are many factors that can determine how good or bad the service is.  Sometimes, you just have to give it a try to find out.  Just don't disconnect your regular phone service until you have tested and are completely satisfied with your new Internet phone.  If they have a 30 day money back guarantee, then you can't go too wrong.  Just make sure they will not bind you into long-term contracts until you are completely satisfied with the trial period.

    Otherwise, VoIP services will generally save you substantial money over regular LD phone service.  It is just a matter of finding a service that is right for you.

  2. We also use a VOIP service with a video phone ( talk about future technology) - it enables us to see our parents and friends. It is just as inexpensive as other VOIP services, just that we have the capability to see who we call (as long as they too have the same video phone- our equipment was free).

    The video phone also lets you leave video messages along with audio. It is really cool.

    Here is my site for your to review VOIP service and/ or the video phone that is FREE.

    Lynn M.

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