
Has anyone ever tried to summon a "spirit", possibly all for the name of scientific proof?

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I just don't understand the "need" or "desire" to summon a spirit. The dangers alone should make someone with ANY common sense think twice. Have any Paranormal investigators considered doing this? If any of you have, what have your results been? I personally have seen both on TV & in real life do this. Is there some sort of "glamour" in this?

Are people so blind that they feel that they can handle what ever comes at them?




  1. i summoned a spirit and registrated all the ritual

    me and my friend used things from the nature

    dead things and alive things

    on the device we heard some weird noises and it wrote something on a paper we put next to a candle

    it was preety creepy

    must not mess with spirits because that was a bad one

    i just feel it

  2. yes i actually did it but i still dont know who it was, i tried talking to my great grandpa who died like a few years ago and my friend asked me if i wanted to talk to the dead...and then it got really creepy and still no one believes me on what happen cause it went from a summon to a possession and i couldnt control part of my yeah...true story. it was freaky i can tell you that.

  3. The answer is,There's no scientific proof spirits exist.Never mind can be summoned.That said, I'd like to see any evidence any paranormal investigator has to the contrary.

  4. I've 'summoned spirits' when I play with the Ouija board.  I worry not because I know that they don't exist.

  5. >The worst thing about summoning a sririt would be that you have no control over who or what is going to make an appearance! I won't get into everything that happened, but when I was much younger, a group of friends was messing with a ouija board. ( I personally did not mess with it, but I was present ) Afterwards, for weeks there were all sorts of crazy weird stuff going on in that house. A girl who was dating the kid who owned the home was even shoved through a wall by an unseen force. NO B.S.!!! I may seek out proof of afterlife, but personally, I will never try to summon anything to visit. If it's there it's there. But when you summon something, it may just decided it like's it there and decide to stay for a visit. You get to go home with everything, but the home owner/property owner get's to play with a new friend that may not be so friendly. TV is what TV is. entertainment. Any of us doing real research knows its boring, long drawn out ordeal's that usually wind up with very little or nothing from the experience. I could only wish every place I have ever been would have had a haunting! Maybe then it would justify the expense's I have incurred for doing this hobby?

  6. ..Because we didn't have Y/A Paranormal Group to warn us of the dangers!! We thought it was a game. It took years and years to realize the danger in what we had done.Maybe that's what the Bible means by "Faith"...not having to know first hand what's on the other side.(because we can't understand it anyway) Still, since it's already happened to us..I think we need to tell others our experiences so they won't be deceived and misled.

    Edit..Jack..I think some people are stronger than others. Some people who don't know what they're doing can end up with nervous breakdowns..and their minds and souls destroyed.

  7. I have never found it dangerous or negative.  I have met some very nice spirits who were all about passing on a message to their loved ones... and not do any harm.  Personally I like to have spirits around. Just as I like to have my friends around.

  8. You seem rich in opinion about the subject, which converts your question to a bit of a spilling off of your own thoughts, rather than a desire for information.

    Your lack of understanding about why a person might do it is an interesting admission, but it only means you're limited in the circles you've associated with.

    Common sense?  We all [aside from my humble self] believe we have it.  And we're adept at recognizing that others don't.  

    There's no 'glamor' in summoning spirits, that's certain.  The results I've observed when it's done have always been those anticipated.

    Generally I'd call them [entities] fairly stupid as a rule, immature by human standards, though there are exceptions.

    In your last sentence you described my particular blindness.  I feel total confidence in my ability to handle what comes at me.

    Edit:  Deenie - I'm not suggesting anyone do it, or attempt it.  Frankly, I find what a lot of people who call themselves paranormal investigators say they do as ill advised and their reasons for doing it incomprehensible.

    But it isn't my affair.

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