
Has anyone ever tried to use maize or a tazer or electricity on ghosts?

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Just wondering....




  1. i can't even ELECTROCUTE the Norton Ghost...anybody knows where he is now???

  2. Dear Deenie,

    I love it!  Maize!  I assume you mean 'mace,' the spray kind that police use and not the bludgeoning weapon kind or the nutmeg kind that's in our spice racks (I confess, I had to it  myself to know all that).

    It's a darned good question, Deenie. Neighbors tell me there are ghosts (spirits) in their homes  but they say they're harmless.  But I believe there are harmful spirits.  I'd give mace a try (why not?).  Taser? Taser shoots electrodes into the flesh (much worse than companies advertise) so if there's no flesh?? But then again, there's  energy around spirits, so maybe.  

    Do you have an evil spirit you're dealing with?  Just curious.Have you taken any polaroid shots? Digital photos won't work.

  3. It's kinda hard to tazer something that doesn't exist.

  4. Of the two I believe maize would be most effective.Ghosts after all are corny to begin with.

  5. Maize, as in corn?  Now what could corn possible do to a ghost Denie?  :-D

  6. That could be an interesting idea......

    lol to john.....

  7. As far as using maize, do you mean like throwing corn at a ghost?  I don't think that's going to work :)

    To test out electricity on a ghost, you'll need to have the cooperation of ghosts who will present themselves for testing, which is not too likely. They haven't shown any such cooperation yet.

  8. Wow!  all knowing YA skeptics must be Gods if they can know for certain that ghosts do not exist (thousands of years of human experience to the contrary).

    While the evidence might be questionable at best in some (if not most) cases lack of evidence is not evidence of absence.

    So, few people stay in school these days (sigh).

    To answer your question in a serious manner, yes.

    I carry pepper spray and at times a stun gun (I don't have a taser yet) when I go on investigations that are in less than prestigious neighborhoods.

    While legal in both of the states I frequent I do not carry a handgun because of the risk of harm to the idiot who jumps out of the bushes in a costume.

    I have speculated as many others have since ghost appear to be correlated with electricity and drained batteries and such that electricity may effect them.

    However, I have never had a ghost show up in order to test the theory. Also, if they drain electricity I would suspect a stun gun to be like a mega vitamin to them.

    I don't think I would use pepper spray on a ghost or anyone else unless they were harming me or another person. A taser would require something solid to penetrate so it might reform the local prankster but it couldn't effect a ghost as the electricity flows to the points.


  9. NO

  10. I read this book by Katherine Ramsland (she wrote a biography of Dean Koontz and the Vampire companion to Anne Rice's books) where she became obsessed with ghost hunting. In one attempt to contact a spirit she used a van de graff generator (those glass or metal balls that you put your hand over and it makes lightning and sparks). The only evidence she was getting was angry EVP's after the experiment - the spirit didn't like it very much.

    The book wasn't very convincing she went about ghost hunting in a very amateurish way, and only got evp's - her conclusions at the end were that she still hadn't seen any ghosts and was still open to the possibility although less than in the beginning.  Link to the book below.

  11. ROTFL. Deenie, you come up some wacky questions, girl....

    And no, I doubt it would work... lol

  12. yeah i fried that ***** gooood XD


  13. No such thing as ghosts.

    Its all in ya head

  14. do ghost even exist??

  15. lol when theres something big who do u call

    when theres something wrong who do u call "not the ghost busters they dont have maize or tazers"

  16. This is worth a look - as are all the ones in the series -

    Made originally for the BBC, they dig them out every now and again. Reminds me of the films they used to show in school to me!

  17. Wow once you have come up with a good one, now I'm going to have to get a taser and see what effect is has on ghosts. I don't think I have ever heard of one being used in ghost hunting.

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