
Has anyone ever used Bob Jones?

by Guest57594  |  earlier

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What is a way I can see what there curriculum. I looked at there website but couldn't find there curriculum that they use . I'm in the 10th grade .




  1. i used bob jones but that was like ages ago i didn't even now that they were still in bussiness

  2. I have never used Bob Jones but I have heard that they have very strict religious beliefs that they kinda impose on everyone.  From what I've heard, they do not take kindly to people who have beliefs that differ from their own.  However, this is just hearsay.  I noticed that in one of your other questions you mentioned that you were looking for a home schooling program that is Christian based.  My parents home schooled me for four years using the program Christian Liberty Academy.  I am not sure if they are accredited. Although I went to public high school, I can say that this program's middle school choices were very challenging and useful.  To be quite honest, the honors courses that I took during my freshman year at public school were actually just watered down versions of the courses that I took during my 7th and 8th grade years with Christian Liberty.

  3. I used them for Algebra--it was terrible. I'd recommend A Beka.

  4. Its all right there at

  5. My sister-in-law went there and HATED IT!! Bob Jones Academy and B. J. University are part of a CULT!! They have their own religious standards, and once a person graduates, then he/she will be "encouraged" to get a job in their community (yes, they have a "community" of businesses that employ the graduates from the Academy & University).

    My sister-in-law left the academy on her own due to some extreme religious differences. My SIL and her mother (my husband's stepmom) are very religious, but the Academy was uber-religious. My SIL went on to another private high school and was much happier.

    Avoid Bob Jones educational facilities of any kind!!!

  6. You should be able to ask for a printed catalog to be sent to your home.  Another way to see the books firsthand would be to go to a local retailer.  There are more than one in my area.  You can look through the books before purchasing.

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