
Has anyone ever used Borax on their carpet to get rid of fleas??

by  |  earlier

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A pet store employee told me to use Borax and sprinkle it generously on my carpet, then to rub it in with a broom and let it sit for 3 days to kill all the fleas and their eggs... then to vaccume it up- But i was it a rush and never asked if it would be harmful for the animals to be on the carpet during this process?? i really want to figure this out Asap!! i hate fleas!!! HELP!!!




  1. I've done it and it works but its not a quick fix. Your best bet is some OTC flea room spray

  2. never used it, but i'll tell you what works wonders.  salt.  its kinda messy to clean up, but just pour salt all over the carpet and it kills the fleas, and flea larvae.

  3. no but I used seven dust and it worked by suffocating the fleas, so I think borax would do the same thing and probably be safer to use. The seven dust really isn't supposed to be used inthe house, but I was desperate. You way want to board the animals for three days just to be safe. You could get somecap star pills and give the pets while they are being boarded to kill the fleas on them. It only costs 16 dollars a day to board animals at my vet.

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