
Has anyone ever used to help out people from the country in which their adopted child is from?

by Guest57317  |  earlier

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If so, what is your experience with it?




  1. Never heard of this!  Will check it out!


  2. I donated through Kiva and the loans have gotten repaid.  Once the loan is repaid I just re-loan it.  I don't use it toward the country my children were adopted from (domestic adoptions), but that sounds like a great idea.  I really like Kiva.

  3. Wow.  I just want to say I think that is an absolutely wonderful idea!  You are a really great person for caring so much.  Micro loans are a truly great and important way of helping people.

  4. I have used Kiva many times, though I did not adopt internationally. I have loaned numerous people and families money. While some people default on their loans, it is highly unusual, as every effort in the world is made to help them to repay. I have received every dollar back that I have  invested, plus interest, that I have then reinvested back into another Kiva loan. This and other reputable mini-loan orgs are the way of the future, where individuals can help individuals, instead of governments helping other governments or churches offering help with strings attached. As you know, little of our world aid gets to the people so desperately in need. You can invest as little as $25.00 in someone's life with most of these orgs. Obviously, do not loan more than you are able to lose, b/c there is always that possibility of nonrepayment. Take care.

    <<adoptive mommy through foster care.

    EDIT: Kristy: No, definately not a scam. While there are some less reputable miniloan orgs., this particular one is one of the best.

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